- Associated Press - Tuesday, January 23, 2018

SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) - New Mexico may take part in a fledgling effort to regulate and possibly limit the role of money in politics through an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, as legislators in a handful of states consider a pledge to help Congress with ratification.

New Mexico lawmakers are considering a non-binding resolution called a “memorial” to urge Congress to restore greater federal and local regulation of political spending that influences elections and governance. The memorial also would pledge support for a constitutional amendment to end partisan gerrymandering. Public debate has yet to take place.

The effort seeks to reverse Supreme Court actions including the 2010 Citizens United decision that cleared the way for unlimited independent elections spending.

“This is a simple way to say to Congress, ’Pass this and come back to the state to ratify,’” said Democratic Rep. Linda Trujillo of Santa Fe, who is sponsoring the measure along with Republican Rep. Jim Smith and Democratic Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino, both of Albuquerque.

Memorials do not require the governor’s signature. Republican New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez last year vetoed state campaign finance disclosure rules that came under criticism as an infringement on free speech from several conservative-backed groups.

The newly proposed memorial includes brief instructions for separating political spending from free speech guarantees, and reclaiming federal and state authority to “regulate the role of money in elections and governance to ensure transparency, prevent corruption, and protect against the buying of access to or influence over representatives.”

Heather Ferguson, legislative director of the New Mexico chapter of the watchdog group Common Cause, noted that New Mexico and at least 19 other states already have asked Congress to overturn the Citizens United decision. The new initiative aims to start from scratch with specific, uniform instructions, she said.

“This takes it that one step further,” Ferguson said. “Here is not only a request but also a directive on how to do it.”

The effort is backed by Common Cause, a national group that concentrates on government accountability issues, and Take Back Our Republic, a group focused on campaign finance reform with offices in Alabama, Texas and Virginia.

Similar legislative measures are slated for introduction in a handful of states that include Alabama and New Hampshire.

John Pudner, executive director of Take Back Our Republic, said the goal is to gain a foothold in a geographically diverse selection of states with a range of partisan allegiances.

Constitutional amendments can be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of Congress, followed by affirmation by three-fourths of states, or through a constitutional convention authorized by two-thirds of state legislatures.

Common Cause and allied proponents of campaign finance reform say a constitutional convention would be prone to influence by political spending.

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