- The Washington Times - Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Democratic blink on DACA, led by none other than Sen. Chuck Schumer, was a long-time-coming lesson in humility for the left.

And, it’s one that’s going to end up emboldening President Donald Trump further, much to Democrats’ dismay.

For years, Democrats have run roughshod over the Republican Party, even at times when the GOP held the majority.

“With State of Union, Obama faces Republican-led Congress for first time,” the Chicago Tribune wrote in January of 2015.

What a so-what moment that turned out to be for Republicans. It was after that, after all, that Obama was able to ramrod through a nuclear deal with Iran — much to the consternation of Israel — as well as broker, with 196 countries, the economy-destroying Paris Climate Agreement. And Obamacare? No comment needed.

But Trump has broken the camel’s Democratic back — or at least, bruised it a bit. By standing strong and refusing to cave, he led the party to a not-so-significant win on the government shutdown.

For conservatives tired of eating Democratic crow, it was a nice treat to see Schumer toss the white towel from the Senate floor, for all the television-watching world to view. That he spoke like a nanny scolding children — scolding the American people — didn’t even matter. Fact is, Schumer had to swallow this shutdown, and step forward to make peace with the Republicans.

DACA is still the Democrats’ rallying issue. They’ve not caved on amnesty; they’ve not decided to cede the so-called Dreamers’ issue to Republicans. And it’s worrisome that Republican leadership may have cut unsavory — read: amnesty — deals with Democrats in order to get the left on board to reopen the government.

But for a brief moment in time, the Democrats blinked and stutter-stepped. For a few minutes from the Senate floor, Schumer was put in a position of vulnerability, of flight.

And for that, the American people have Trump to thank. Had it not been for his strong leadership and bold strategizing, Republicans would have no doubt made some concessions to Democrats on DACA already. They would’ve run in fear at the thought of a government shutdown.

It’s nice to see the Republicans stand strong and face the fight. Let’s hope this is just the first of many battles they’re willing to take on — and win. If party leadership is willing, this president, it seems, is ready to lead the charge.

Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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