- The Washington Times - Monday, January 22, 2018

Feb. 17 — mark your calendar. That’s the day all those on the far-left will emerge from their parents’ basements to rub weary video-gamed-out eyes and take to the streets for some no-doubt wild “Impeach Trump” parties.

And all the Wendy-whiners go: “That’s racist! Not all Democrats live in their parents’ basements!”

True. Not all those of the anti-Trump left are adult-age basement dwellers. There are plenty of other Democrats out there living independently of their parents, independently of their growing-years’ caretakers.

Illegals, for instance.

Mental hospital patients, to name some more.

And, to toss out the names of even more, some members of government-funded arts coalitions, progressive activism groups and multi-millionaires’ clubs — on that last, the ones mostly with the motto, “I Got Mine and Now I Want To Stop You From Getting Yours.”

Tom Steyer, billionaire hedge fund manger-turned major anti-Trumper, seems to fit that last class.

He’s the guy who’s launched the “Need to Impeach” campaign and who’s now using it as a platform to rock the impeachment vote around the country against a president who is probably the most populist-minded, America First type of leader this country’s seen since Ronald Reagan.

People like Steyer, however, prefer government control. Why? ’Cause they got theirs and now want the government to step in and make sure the peons don’t intrude on their shares of the pot. Thus, their abject hatred of Trump.

“Need to Impeach supporters will host house parties in more than 500 communities across the country of Feb. 17, 2018 — the weekend before President’s Day — to further build momentum and demand that members of Congress step up and remove Trump from power.”

Too bad it’s not set for St. Patrick’s Day. They could’ve had “Impeach Trump” drinking games.

As it is, what are they going to do now, play pin the tail on the president — or worse, listen to Steyer speak?

“Americans across the country are sending a clear message to members of Congress: we’ve had enough,” he said in a written statement. “Our elected leaders in Washington, D.C., can no longer neglect their constitutional obligation to remove this unfit president from office. Their lack of accountability has awakened millions of people to their failure to protect the safety and stability of our country and everyone who lives in it.”

Hi, I’m here from the left and I am stupid.

Yada, yada, Steyer goes on — but honestly, what is it about Democrats that they have no clue how to throw a decent party?

Barack Obama and his administration used to tell Americans to gather ’round the Thanksgiving table and talk Obamacare with their relatives, or gather by the Christmas tree for a good ol’ fashioned cup of health care chatter.

Now, we’ve got Impeach Trump parties. Oh boy. No wonder the offer’s wide open to attend.

“Thousands are expected to attend the house parties, which will be held from coast to coast in both large cities and small towns across the country,” a Need to Impeach Trump press release states. “Those who would like to host house parties can.”

Thanks, but no thanks.

President’s Day is a time to honor the likes of George Washington — not tear down the current White House chief.

But the left can have it. After all, “impeach Trump” is the Democratic Party’s main political platform heading into the 2018 elections — and on that score, these parties might very well prove their last hurrah before losing.

Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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