- The Washington Times - Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Climate change alarmists, apparently alarmed by the frigid temperatures that have gripped much of the United States, have deftly switched tactics and moved from warning about the warming to sounding alarms about — get this — chocolate.

Yes, that is their play.

“Chocolate could reportedly vanish as early as 2050,” wrote IBT in an article about science’s latest so-called science.

And now the brainiancs at the University of California at Berkeley have hopped to the job, and reached out to Mars, Inc., based in Virginia, to come up with ways of keeping the little cacao plant from disappearing. Part of their discoveries? New technology called CRISPR (wait for it, wait for it — one day it’ll come packaged as a little CRISPR bar, retail 85 cents) that results in modification of cacao plant DNA.

Great. Genetically modified chocolate. Just what America needs — another food item banned from the United Kingdom.

But all this activity comes on the heels of massive climate change alarmism. Apparently, half of the world’s chocolate supplies hail from just two African spots, Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana. And those spots are suffering from less-than-usual rainfall amounts, and higher-than-normal temperature levels. And that has led the IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, to say: Hey now, these rainfall and temperature changes are going to dry up chocolate production.

That the IPCC is a U.N. body filled with scientists whose primary mission is to get the world to sign on to environmental treaties that obligate participants to pay large amounts of money to the global body is a silly aside — right? Right. Ignore that.

“The IPCC has highlighted that these regions could experience a temperature increase of 2.1 C [Celsius degrees] by 2050 unless action is taken,” Climate Action Programme reported.

Chicken Little, your master calls.

But here’s what’s really going on: It’s cold — dang cold. Unseasonably cold in many spots of the United States. And that’s making it hard for climate change profiteers like Al Gore, the United Nations and the Democratic Party to peddle their scare tactic wares and sell their seedy salesman regulatory solutions. So how best to drum up business?

Find a new cry.

What better way to evoke panic among the masses than take away chocolate?

But let’s remember, before buying the line, this one simple fact: Climate change gurus can’t even predict the next day’s weather with accuracy. But we’re supposed to regard their predictions for chocolate production through 2050 with somber dispositions? Not.

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