- The Washington Times - Thursday, January 18, 2018

Mahmoud Abbas, leader of the Palestinian Authority, the guy who’s frequently touted by both left- and right-leaning politicos as a moderate who wants nothing but peace with Israel, went on an shocking rant against the Jewish state and the United States in recent public remarks, ultimately unleashing a curse on President Donald Trump that went like this: “May your house be destroyed.”

Either Abbas has gone rogue or he’s showing his true anti-West colors. The smart money’s on Option B.

Abbas has only been a friend to America when he wants something, particularly something financial. And those who say he has indeed cast friendly, peace-making eyes toward Israel are either blindly advancing a Muslim apologist narrative or personally trying to score political points and bragging rights by pursuing a deal that common sense has already revealed as futile.

You can’t make peace with somebody who doesn’t recognize your right to exist, in other words.

But here’s a sampling of what Abbas said to the Palestinian Central Council in Ramallah, while reacting to Trump’s decision to relocate the U.S. Embassy to Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and for the White House’s suggestion that Palestinians were stymying Mideast peace negotiations: “[Trump] said in a tweet, ’We won’t give money to the Palestinians because they rejected the negotiations.’ Shame on you. When did we reject that talks? Where is the negotiation that we rejected?”

And then he said this of Trump: “May your house be destroyed,” United With Israel reported.

Well, at least we’re getting the honest face of Abbas onto the public stage — not the one he wants presented, the one that paints him as a simple peacemaker, peace broker, working tirelessly to bring about an amicable settlement deal with the Israeli people, whom he very much loves, yes?

All bets are now off. Abbas said this, during the same speech: “The Oslo accords are dead. … Any future negotiations will take place only within the context of the international community, but an international committee created in the framework of an international conference. Allow me to be clear: We will not accept America leadership of a political process involving negotiations.”

The United States announced it would be withholding $65 million in aid to a United Nations agency that provides money for Palestinians, the U.N. Relief and Works Agency, as well as kicking off a “fundamental reexamination” of the organization. America’s still providing $60 million to UNRWA — but the cut in aid fueled Abbas’ anger further.

He went on another rant against the United States, as well as against Israel, characterizing the Jews as stealers of the Palestinians’ lands.

“[The Palestinians are] the original Canaanites,” the original settlers of the Jerusalem lands, he said, Haaretz reported.

Bible scholars would point to God’s gift of these lands to the Israelis, His chosen people. But why anger Abbas further, right?

Abbas, in his epic recent rants, has exposed himself as an enemy of America, an enemy of Israel, an enemy of the Jews — someone who only pretends at peacemaking as a means of receiving financial aid and international support. Thankfully, this administration is willing to call out the deceits and play hardball with Abbas, the United Nations and all those who would seek to undercut our key ally, Israel.

Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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