- The Washington Times - Wednesday, January 17, 2018

It would be a dream come true for Democrats if grass-roots voters were to abandon President Trump. That does not appear to be happening. Mr. Trump’s favorability numbers, in fact, are pretty darn good, according to a new Zogby Analytics survey which finds that the president now has a 46 percent approval rating among all likely voters — just shy of a majority.

But Mr. Trump’s biggest fans are found among some very specific demographics, suggesting that the millions of heartland folks who stepped up and elected him are still by his side.

“The president’s job approval rating is very strong among certain groups,” the Zogby analysis said.

For one thing, Mr. Trump has a 64 percent approval rating among NASCAR fans. In theory, this could be considered a prized voting bloc. According to Forbes magazine, there are an estimated 75 million stock-car racing fans out there. Zogby also found that 58 percent of regular Walmart shoppers also give the president a big thumbs-up. That amounts to 140 million shoppers, according to Walmart itself.

Critics would squawk over such a correlation. The numbers for NASCAR and Walmart don’t turn into instant votes, of course. Nonetheless, the survey has taken the political pulse of some jumbo demographics which often go ignored by pollsters, not to mention the press. Meanwhile, Zogby also found that 52 percent of homeowners — and even 57 percent of voters who have recently lost their jobs — offer a positive review of the president.

“Trump’s numbers are also up among groups he has recently had trouble with, including union voters (48 percent approval), voters living in small cities (47 percent), and voters earning $75,000-$100,000 annually (57 percent approval),” the analysis said.

“The president’s numbers have improved because he has rebounded with some elements of his base. Trump’s numbers with men and women are both better. Among men, his job approval is 52 percent, while support among women has crept up to 40 percent,” the report noted. “One of our survey indicators we use to measure how the economy is doing is to ask voters ’How do you feel the next four years will be for the U.S. economy?’ The numbers are very positive — 54 percent believe things will be good.”


What issues do Democratic voters care about? There are 17 of them, judging from a list now being circulated by Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota — who is also deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee. He is asking fellow Dems to gauge just how much they care — whether it’s a little or a lot.

“2017 was a challenging year, with the GOP forcing their reckless agenda onto the American people. But for every challenge we faced, we rolled up our sleeves — and as a result, we celebrated some historic victories. As we step into 2018, we know there’s still much more to do and we can’t take our foot off the gas if we want to keep bringing the fight to Republicans. That’s why we need your input,” Mr. Ellison said.


Here are the issues, verbatim from his public outreach: Jobs and income security, taxes, climate change, immigration, health care, racial justice, education, gun violence prevention, voting rights, national security, foreign policy, criminal justice reform, civil rights, college affordability and student debt, women’s reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights and retirement security.


The 45th annual March for Life approaches, considered the largest pro-life demonstration in the world and set to draw a minimum of 100,000 devotees to the National Mall on Friday in a show of strength. They have company. A majority of Americans — 56 percent — now consider abortion to be “morally wrong,” while 76 percent would limit abortion to — at most — the first three months of pregnancy, according to a new Marist Poll.

“The survey found that 76 percent of Americans want such limits. Strong majorities of Republicans (92 percent), independents (78 percent) and Democrats (61 percent) agree, as do a majority of those who identify as pro-choice (60 percent),” says the pollster, which also found that 60 percent oppose tax dollars used to pay for abortions.

President Trump (speaking via video) and GOP House Speaker Paul D. Ryan headline the guest list for the march.

“Since his first day in office, President Trump has remained steadfast on his campaign promises to the pro-life cause and has actively worked to protect the unborn,” said Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life. “Over the past year, the Trump administration has significantly advanced pro-life policy, and it is with great confidence that, under his leadership, we expect to see other pro-life achievements in the years to come.”

Marist University conducted the research on behalf of the Knights of Columbus.

“It is hardly surprising that after 50 million abortions in this country, an overwhelming majority of the American people want substantial limits,” observes Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Catholic men’s organization. “This survey shows clearly that the pro-choice label can no longer be assumed to mean support for abortion on demand. Nor can abortion be thought of as a partisan issue since majorities of Democrats, independents and Republicans all agree that it should be substantially restricted. It is high time that our political debates reflected this national consensus.”


A half-dozen Louisiana Republicans gather on Thursday evening to introduce a new film which champions adoption. “I Lived on Parker Avenue” details the story of David Scotton, who was adopted at birth, raised in Louisiana and ultimately journeyed as an adult to meet the birth parents he never knew.

On hand along with Mr. Scotton for the screening, staged at a private site just three blocks from the Capitol: Sens. Bill Cassidy and John Kennedy, plus Reps. Mike Johnson, Garret Graves, Ralph Abraham and Clay Higgins. The film will be released online for free viewing on March 8.


• 78 percent of Americans agree that “laws can protect both a mother and her unborn child.”

• 63 percent would ban abortions past 20 weeks gestation.

• 56 percent say abortions are morally wrong.

• 52 percent agree that an abortion “does a woman more harm than good.”

Source: A Marist/Knights of Columbus poll of 2,600 U.S. adults conducted Jan 8-10 and released Wednesday.

Murmurs and asides to jharper@washingtontimes.com

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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