- The Washington Times - Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Tom Perez, head of the Democratic National Committee, said he plans on tying every Republican to President Trump’s message in the 2018 midterm, Politico reported Tuesday.

“On a basic level, this president is the antithesis of Martin Luther King,” Mr. Perez said in Politico’s “Off Message” podcast. “And more than that, Dr. King once said, ’To ignore evil is to become an accomplice to it.’ “

Mr. Perez said that with Mr. Trump’s continued failure when it comes to racial issues — from his refusal to address the Charlottesville, Viriginia, protests last summer to his recent comment about “s—-hole countries” — Democrats will have plenty of material to work with.

The DNC chairman said Democrats learned from 2016, however, that it’s not enough to just be anti-Trump and anti-Republican.

“For many people, they felt the Democratic Party let them down, and so they were voting for change, and they thought Donald Trump would bring them change,” Mr. Perez said. “Well, he is bringing you change — but it’s not change for the better.”

• Sally Persons can be reached at spersons@washingtontimes.com.

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