- The Washington Times - Friday, January 12, 2018

President Donald Trump reportedly suggested the United States shouldn’t take in immigrants from Haiti or other “s—-hole countries” because they do little to bolster an America First agenda — and now the world is on fire, tittering about racism and vulgarities and the foul-mouthed impoliteness of this White House commander-in-chief.

But really folks, this is why Trump was elected in the first place.

In a Friday morning tweet, Trump wrote that “the language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough but this was not the language used.” But really, so what?

Even if he did say what it’s been said he said, the bigger offense is the left’s push for open borders. It’s Trump’s push-back that resonates.

His no-nonsense, cut-to-the-chase, don’t-care-about-politically-correct-BS manner of hitting at the core of an issue is why a fed-up America, circa 2016 — and that was a large swath of population at the time — took to the polls and punched the Trump ticket.

It’s why his base has stood by him throughout his first year in office, despite the overwhelmingly attempts of a left-leaning antifa-style mindset, now called the Democratic Party, to take him out, impeach him and put him, if possible, behind bars.

In the vernacular, Trump just don’t play that.

He doesn’t play the cigar-smoking, bourbon-sipping, gather-about-the-fireplace nice talk with the other globalists. Oh, he’ll go — he’ll make an appearance at the party. But only to collect information, strategize, and then go his own way on the politicking front — Twittering all the way, to boot.

And if the left, the elites and the establishment in the Republican Party think his base is outraged at these latest comments, well, bully on that. But it’s just not true. These people are cheering Trump. He did, after all, say pretty much what they say in the privacies of their own homes, safe from the ever-piqued ears of snowflakes and others permanently at the ready to toss a gender card, a racism card, and so forth. And that doesn’t make them deplorables; it makes them common-sense patriots, in line with both foreign nations’ border policies and Founding Father sensibilities.

That’s what the left doesn’t want noticed or discussed.

Trump, in a meeting with senators of both parties, referred to Haiti and African nations off-handedly as “s—-hole countries,” as first reported by The Washington Post. He did so in context of discussing immigration, while wondering aloud why America should even considering taking in those who don’t offer much by way of benefit to this country’s citizens.

“Why do we need more Haitians, take them out,” Trump reportedly said, NBC reported.

The firestorm came quick.

“@realDonaldTrump, your mouth is the foulest s—-hole in the world. With what authority do you proclaim who’s welcome in America and who’s not,” tweeted Vicente Fox Quesada, former president of Mexico. “America’s greatness if built on diversity, or have you forgotten your immigrant background, Donald?”

And this, from David Miliband, former foreign secretary for the United Kingdom: “Trump Administration leading a race to the bottom on refugees and immigrants that is a betrayal of America’s future as well as of its history. These are PEOPLE.”

And this, from the South African media outlet, Daily Maverick: “Casual Friday at the White House is soon to include hoods and tiki torches at this rate.”

And then this, from Trevor Noah, the host of The Daily Show who was born in South Africa — a tweet that read, “Tonight at 11/10c, as someone from South S—-hole, Trevor is deeply offended by the president’s remarks.”

The list goes on. The grandstanding and lecturing goes on at length. But let ’em cry. 

Trump, as usual, cut through the bureaucracy to strike the core of what frustrates Americans about immigration, and that’s the failure of politicos — politicos who live behind gated and armed security walls, by the way — to consider the needs of the United States and the safety and welfare of the U.S. citizens first.

It’s not that Americans want closed borders. It’s that Americans want borders closed to terrorists, those who would do us harm — and those who come to take, take, take without offering anything of economic or societal value in return. Trump gets that. And note to left: That’s why he was elected. Shut eyes to that reality at your own election-time peril.

Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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