- The Washington Times - Sunday, February 4, 2018

The release of the House Intelligence Committee memo suggesting misconduct within the FBI set off the press and provided an instant catalyst for explosive news coverage casting Republicans as villains who either obstruct justice, undermine the Russian investigation or even aid Russian President Vladimir Putin. Some accounts also claimed the memo was proof of disunity in the Republican Party, or that it could eventually cause a constitutional crisis.

The overall news response was “a “hyperbolic smear campaign” against the GOP and President Trump says Nicholas Fondacaro, an analyst at the Media Research Center, a conservative press watchdog.

The organization uncovered biased coverage of the memo matter, determining that the “Big Three” broadcast networks recently spent a combined 17 minutes and 20 seconds poring over objections from Democrats and FBI officials to keep the memo classified — and under five minutes on the actual contents of the memo itself.

Such media bias and disinformation even vexes those who live far from the Beltway — notably in the far-flung forests of New England. Our old friend “Deep Woods,” a politically inclined stalwart who lives among the pines, is vexed about the coverage, and also Hollywood’s supportive role in it.

“I find it infuriatingly ironic that the movie, ’The Post’ glorifies release of classified Pentagon documents back in the days. But there is silence from such producers on the current memo brouhaha. Silence. Nothing. Nada,” Mr. Woods tells Inside The Beltway.

This is a component of the bigger picture, and “DW” is not alone in his concerns.

“Over the past two weeks, Democrats scrambled to ’warn’ the public that the release of the FISA memo would ’damage national security’ were it released. Journalists picked up the mantra and ran with it, unquestioningly parroting it in badgering Republicans about why they would support its release considering this charge,” writes Townhall.com columnist Derek Hunter.

“The memo, of course, was nothing of the sort. There was nothing that was a threat in any way to national security, no remote mention of sources or methods. It was all a Democratic Party lie immediately adopted by journalists. As with past false stories that needed to be retracted or corrected, there was no comeuppance for those who spread the lie to the media, nor the media figures who regurgitated it. It happened, and when it was proven to be a lie, it was memory-holed,” Mr. Hunter continues. “Journalism is dead. It didn’t die of natural causes, it was murdered by its practitioners in the name of attacking Republicans, in particular Donald Trump.”


Carefully choreographed coverage of the midterm elections has begun — an indicator that the media hopes to quickly “brand” the elections and pre-load the narrative in favor of Democrats who pine to take back Congress. ABC News, for example, already has introduced a logo and snappy motto for their coverage: “Eighteen for 18” covers the nationwide bout and 18 “consequential” races in Senate, House and four matches for governor. There is a designated 12-person “powerhouse” team which include George Stephanopoulos; the logo includes the word “vote,” surely a message to disgruntled Dems, The network will showcase elections that mark “a nationwide referendum on President Donald Trump.”

ABC says their “major themes” include control of Congress — along with “the establishment vs. the insurgents on both sides of the political spectrum; the future of jobs, healthcare, immigration, and border security; and the influx of women, minorities, and first-time candidates running for office.”


Hillary Clinton steps before a microphone on Monday in the nation’s capital with much on her mind. She appears at Georgetown University, presenting three awards and addressing the importance of women’s participation and leadership in advancing human rights, justice and peace, according to organizers.

Curious? Intrepid C-SPAN will be there; airtime is 11 a.m. EST.


There’s one more State of the Union-style address to consider. That would be from House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul, who will deliver the State of National Security Address on Monday at the George Washington University Center for Cyber and Homeland Security. The Texas Republican will go over U.S. strategy against terrorists at home and abroad, cyber defenses, border and aviation security plus strengthening American leadership abroad in general.

Republican Reps. John Katko of New York, Will Hurd of Texas, and Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin will also be on hand to weigh in on the ever-evolving threat landscape facing the American homeland. “Follow the conversation online via @gwcchs or chime in using the hashtag #SONSA,” advise the organizers.


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• 72 percent of Americans said President Trump’s recent State of the Unions address was better than they expected.

• 63 percent said the speech was optimistic and presidential; 62 percent said it was hopeful.

• 62 percent rated it as excellent or good, 55 percent said the speech was inspiring.

• 52 percent said the speech gave them a more favorable view of Mr. Trump.

Source: A Morning Consult/Politico poll of 2,209 U.S. adults who watched the SOTU address, conducted Jan. 31.

Hearsay and chatter to jharper@washingtontimes.com

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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