- Saturday, February 3, 2018

With President Trump’s blessing, House Republicans released a declassified bombshell memo Friday revealing that the FBI relied on a partisan and unverified anti-Trump dossier to justify spying on a Trump campaign aide during the presidential race in 2016.

As a result of that decision, here are the winners and losers:


President Donald Trump: The memo paints a partisan bias atop the FBI against the president. Also the dubious way the FBI initially obtained a FISA warrant for Trump aide Carter Page will likely impact public perception of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling. 

Rep. Devin Nunes: He is the author of the memo Republicans are now holding aloft as proof of a Deep State liberal bias.

Republicans: Based on how the memo was crafted, the underpinnings of the FBI’s snooping on Team Trump appears to largely be based on “fake news.”

SEE ALSO: House GOP releases memo detailing FBI surveillance abuses against Trump campaign

The American people: Despite complaints Mr. Nunes memo reveal classified investigative FISA techniques, it’s not necessarily a bad thing when the American public gets a look into the inner workings of powerful government entities.


James Comey, Andrew McCabe: The now departed FBI director and deputy director appear to have ruined their careers at the bureau by putting so much stock in the dubious dossier.

Christopher Steele: The ex-British spy is described as being blinded by his zeal to keep Donald Trump out of the White House. He apparently also lied to the FBI about blabbing to the media.

Rod Rosenstein: It may be a touch awkward for the Trump-appointed deputy attorney general, who signed off on a FISA warrant, to show up for work on Monday. President Trump was asked Friday if he still had confidence in Mr. Rosenstein, “You figure that one out,” he responded.

Robert Mueller: While his investigation is separate from what is outlined in the memo, the roots of the reason for his hiring can be traced back to the dubious dossier. No matter what he uncovers, the public already perceives a partisan taint. 

SEE ALSO: Seven takeaways from the House memo detailing FBI’s surveillance abuses

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