- The Washington Times - Monday, February 26, 2018

By now, you’ve probably heard about the Oakland, California, mayor, Democrat Libby Schaaf, who actually sent out a warning to her city — to her city’s illegals, mostly — about a looming potential raid from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents.

Well, that right there is why Democrats are insane.

Schaaf’s heads-up is not only representative of a dereliction of political duties, in that she’s outright slapping the figurative face of law and spitting at feds who are trying to uphold law. But it’s also tantamount to an aiding and abetting of lawbreakers.

She’s actively trying to protect illegals from facing the consequences of their illegal actions.

Here’s what Schaaf said in a press release from her mayoral office: “I learned from multiple credible sources that [ICE] is preparing to conduct an operation in the Bay Area, including Oakland. … As Mayor of Oakland, I am sharing this information publicly not to panic our residents but to protect them.”

Well, which residents might be panicked about possible ICE raids? Not the legal citizens.

Only the illegals.

Schaaf calls them the “vulnerable” people.

“My priority is for the well-being and safety of all residents — particularly our most vulnerable — and I know that Oakland is safer when we share information, encourage community awareness and care for our neighbors,” she went on.

True, Oakland’s a sanctuary city; California’s a sanctuary state. Illegals there are already welcomed and sheltered from any deportation storm that might come.

But do Democrats always have to work so hard to fight for the criminals at the expense of the law-abiding?

Tipping off illegals that ICE is on its way seems about as seedy as tipping off drug-dealers that DEA is coming. Just because the person doing the tipping is a politician and wears a mayor’s hat doesn’t make the scenario any easier to stomach — rather, the opposite.

Politicians are supposed to serve their constituents, uphold the Constitution and protect the law-abiding. It’s an utter betrayal of citizens’ trust to aid and abet illegals. Yet to Democrats, Scaaf’s the sane one — ICE, conservatives, the White House and those who want to enforce law at the border and order within America’s communities are the ones with the questionable ethics and morals. The real truth of the matter? Democrats are nuts, pure and simple. And politicians like Schaaf have no business being in office.

Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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