- The Washington Times - Thursday, February 22, 2018

Rep. Todd Rokita said Thursday that even though he did not support the Republican spending plan, he doesn’t blame President Trump for signing it.

“What Congress didn’t do, what politicians don’t do, is make the hard choices,” Mr. Rokita, Indiana Republican, said on Fox News.

“The president had to sign what we gave him, and we gave him a real pile on that bill,” he said.

Mr. Rokita, who is running for Senate, said the House will do better on the immigration plan. He said the House doesn’t have the votes to bring the measure to the floor, but they’re working on gathering the support even over the weeklong recess.

“We’re getting there. We’re whipping as hard as we can to get there,” he said.

Mr. Rokita said if the bill, sponsored by Rep. Bob Goodlatte, passed both chambers, then the president would support it as well.

“I actually think we’re on the same page as the president. I actually think he’d take our bill in a minute,” he said.

The bill, Securing America’s Future Act, allows those brought to the U.S. illegally as children to have a three-year renewable legal status, but does not offer a path to citizenship. It also increase border security, including a wall, and requires employers to use an E-verify system.

• Sally Persons can be reached at spersons@washingtontimes.com.

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