- The Washington Times - Friday, February 2, 2018

One of NBC’s latest “Law & Order: SVU” episodes showed a horrific rape scene of a conservative pundit who coincidentally happened to look like Ann Coulter, who coincidentally happened to talk about “liberal snowflakes” in a speech, who coincidentally happened to talk about deporting so-called “Dreamers.”

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, right? It’s fun to rape conservatives — that seems to be NBC’s messaging on this one.

Wonder when all those pink-hatted, female genitalia-wearing women’s rights’ groups will be marching on NBC? White suit, black dress, oh what to wear this time? Perhaps red makes more sense. Red, rape, blood-red — it’s alliteration and imagery, all in one.

The “Law & Order” episode’s particularly pointed when the detectives investigating the fictitious rape are shown talking about the victim’s political views, wondering in somber detectivey voices if politics could have played a part in the crime.

Apparently, this Coulter-like character, Martha Cobb, believed in policies that would “close down Planned Parenthood and deport the Dreamers,” according to one of the show’s detectives. And that — like women who wear short skirts — makes her somewhat culpable. She should’ve known better. She’s just lucky she didn’t wear her MAGA cap.

The suspect, in this television case, turned out to be an antifa thug who used his protest sign to assault Coulter-Cobb.

But then the episode twists and turns to rope in a “Grand Wizard” of the Patriots for the American Way group who wants to Make America Great Again, and ultimately ends with Coulter-Cobb’s attorney calling for a dismissal. 

“I am sure that the perpetrator of this crime will never be known to a legal certainty,” Coulter-Cobb’s attorney tells the court, as Breitbart notes.

Yep, it’s fun to rape conservatives.

Coulter — the real Coulter — responded to the show on a Fox News appearance with host Laura Ingraham, pointing out the utter absurdities of a left that tucks itself neatly behind gated communities to avoid illegals, while all the while pointing fingers, shaming and decrying those who want to secure borders and keep America safe from foreign criminals and terrorists.

Make that, pointing fingers, shaming, decrying and now, thanks to NBC, apparently raping. Way to go, NBC. Way. To. Go.

Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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