- The Washington Times - Tuesday, February 13, 2018

They say love overcomes all — but at #VanessaTrump, the Twitter hashtag that started in response to Vanessa Trump’s receipt of an envelope of white powder, the adage is really being put to the test.

Look at this lovely post, from Amanda Butler, @sweethunni1976: “It was cornstarch for the love of god. Probably sent it to themselves to deflect from all the real bs going on in Washington. #VanessaTrump.”


Another from “Eitan, that’s me,” @AnotherEitan: “VANESSA TRUMP: What is this? DON JR: Definitely not cocaine. I don’t know. It’s not mine. Why are you looking at me?”

That was in response to the terrible news sent around from ABC: “JUST IN: Letter sent to Donald Trump Jr.’s apartment containing unidentified white powder, NYPF says, and opened by his wife; she and two others were decontaminated by firefighters at the scene. Police and Secret Service are investigating.”

And social media was quick to hit at @AnotherEitan.

“So,” tweeted one, “you think it is funny? I am not surprised. #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #VanessaTrump.”

Haters will hate, though.

“I’ll apologize for making a joke about this & we will learn it was nothing but a really awful prank, but it’s just so hard to believe anything they say,” tweeted Tara Dublin, @taradublinrocks. “It’s like The Family Who Cried Wolf, #VanessaTrump #NoDistractions.”

Apparently, the leftists of Twitter World seem to think the Trump family is perpetrating a big lie — a bit of fake news — on the American people by creating a “distraction” with an envelope of white powder. Apparently, the police, Secret Service and hospital staff must be roped into this deception as well — along with the media. Right?

Or, there’s the moral equivalency line of thought — the one that goes what’s good for the Democratic goose is now good for the Republican gander.

Here’s Daxton Brown, @daxtonbrown: “How well I remember when letters with white powder were sent to people in the Obama administration. And when Democrat congressmen were shot while playing pick up baseball. And when a Dem Senator had his ribs broke. #VanessaTrump.”

Hmm, if we’re comparing — how about Rand Paul? Steve Scalise? The whole antifa-slash-Black-Lives-Matter violent movements?

But there’s nothing like sympathy and compassion, leftist style.

And all the sane people go — “Prayers for Vanessa Trump and the @realDonaldTrump family,” as SparkleMAGA, @SparkleSoup45, put it.

From Gina Gentry Loudon, @RealDrGina: “First, @SteveScalise. Then, @RandPaul. Today, #VanessaTrump. How can you NOT see the insanity here?”

From CoreyJones, @CoreyLMJones: “No matter what political views you hold, THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!”

From Dan, @Dan081275: “I hope #VanessaTrump is OK. I’m no fan of @realDonaldTrump but wish no harm to his family.”

From Matt Nolan, @mattnolan888: “I love to rib ’Donald Trump Jr.’ on Twitter anytime. But when family is threatened, we ALL become Americans. No place for this. They have FIVE kids. Prayers to #VanessaTrump.”

From Jesse Lee Peterson, @JLPtalk: “Please keep @POTUS & family in your prayers. There are evil people willing to go to great lengths to harm the First Family. @DonaldJTrumpJr. #VanessaTrump.”

From House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s Twitter feed: Nada.

Nada on Vanessa Trump — plenty on protecting “Dreamers,” ’dissing the Education Department over reversal of Barack Obama’s transgender policy, ’dissing Team Trump on the budget.

From Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer: Nada.

Nada on Vanessa Trump — plenty on ’dissing the Education Department over reversal of Barack Obama’s transgender policy. ’dissing Team Trump on the budget, calling for regulatory requirements on train conductors for sleep apnea testing . Whatever.

From Rep. Adam Schiff, one of the Democrat Party’s loudest anti-Trump voices: Nada.

Nada on Vanessa Trump — plently on ’dissing the Education Department over reversal of Barack Obama’s transgender policy, ’dissing the Trump Administration over the block of the Democrats’ memo, ’dissing Trump about the whole crumbling Russia collusion-slash-obstruction-of-justice thang.

Seeing the pattern?

The left’s biggest love, it seems, is to hate.

Thank goodness for the heart of the conservative.

Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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