- Thursday, February 1, 2018

There is no question that on Nov. 8, 2016, we had a political revolution in America. However, that election was for more than the presidency. It was for the “soul” of America and the rights and freedoms embedded in our Constitution. Make no mistake, our Constitution is under attack everyday not only by the Deep State, the mainstream media and the Muslim Brotherhood, but also by former President Barack Obama and his leftist holdovers embedded throughout the federal bureaucracy.

Why such a set of seemingly disparate groups would join together is an intriguing question. Clearly, one reason is to destroy Donald J. Trump and prevent his presidential effort to restore America’s greatness, but it goes much deeper. It is part of Mr. Obama’s goal to fundamentally change America. They almost succeeded.

While the four-page Top Secret memorandum of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes has not been released, from commentary by his colleagues and the media we have heard of an unbelievable plot to not only exonerate one presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, but to destroy the opposition candidate Donald Trump and his presidency.

While the discredited FBI lead counter-intelligence agent Peter Strzok and his mistress, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, discussed forming a “secret society” which they now claim was a joke, there is a Sept. 20, 2017, article in True Pundit which describes how six U.S. intelligence agencies formed a “Stealth Task Force” headed by CIA Director John Brennan to run the unauthorized surveillance on Trump associates and possibly against Mr. Trump himself.

According to the article, after being denied two FISA court warrants applications, this group used the British spy element, headed by Robert Hannigan, embedded at NSA, Ft. George Meade, Md. Why this UK spy element? Because they were not constrained by needing a FISA warrant to wiretap Americans; it’s believed this activity commenced in November 2015, well before the compilation of the discredited Trump dossier.

The next step in the plan was a meeting set up by the DOJ and the FBI in Trump Tower among Paul Manafort, Donald Trump Jr., son-in-law Jared Kushner and a Russian female lawyer named Natalia Veselnitskasya. She should have been known as a high security risk, given that she earlier was banned from entering either the U.S. or U.K.

Not to worry: Attorney General Loretta Lynch arranged to have a visa granted to her for the June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower. After the sham meeting, the British spy agency, acting as an intelligence front for NSA, could then plausibly justify wiretapping Trump associates because the Russian lawyer was a known security risk. The real question is, how much of the information gained from these “tainted” wiretaps is Special Counsel Robert Mueller using in his probe of alleged Russian-Trump collusion in the 2016 presidential election? In fact, this entire setup has all the earmarks of a KGB operation.

The discredited Trump dossier also shows tell-tale marks of a Marxist thread running through it. The Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee and Fusion GPS all combined with the former MI6 U.K. spy Christopher Steele to produce the fake dossier.

Then there is the interesting case of Nellie Ohr, wife of the fourth-ranking DOJ official Bruce Ohr and a leading Russian expert at Fusion GPS. It should be noted that Bruce Ohr met off-site with Mr. Steele and has since been demoted at DOJ. While the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, we still have spies like Aldrich Ames, finally outed in 1994, three years after the end of the Soviet Union. Then there was Robert Hanssen, the FBI agent still dead-dropping away for the Kremlin in 2001. Well, whom did they report to and of course, who paid them? Clearly, the Marxist link cannot be dismissed.

We cannot overlook the Uranium One deal, which gave Vladimir Putin control of 20 percent of our uranium deposits. It was a pure RICO operation. The FBI had all the information it needed about the extortion and kickbacks involved in that operation to bring indictment charges in 2010, but that was not going to be allowed to happen. It would have killed the Uranium One deal and the Clinton Foundation would have been out of $145 million.

With Robert Mueller as the FBI director and Mr. Obama’s U.S. Attorney for Maryland, Rod Rosenstein, the investigation was kept open for another four years. Hopefully, Chairman Nunes’ four-page memorandum will be made available to the American public soon. The corruption and subversion at the highest levels of our government agencies must be exposed. It is essential to re-establishing the founding principles of our Constitution.

• James A. Lyons, a retired U.S. Navy admiral, was commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and senior U.S. military representative to the United Nations.

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