- Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Friends don’t let friends go to the clink. The conclusion that the nation is currently running on a dual justice system — a gentler, privileged system for Hillary Clinton and her cronies, and a harsh and unforgiving system for everyone else — is coming evident to everyone.

Robert Mueller’s search for a collusion between President Trump and Vladimir Putin to cook the 2016 presidential election to a Republican recipe has been covered in exhausting but not exhaustive detail by the Democratic media, from Paul Manafort’s choice of designer neckties suitable for wearing to court to whether Michael Cohen told the FBI his work for a Trump construction project ended in January or June of 2016. It’s hard to say exactly on which side of the yellow line separating titillation and tedium the Mueller squad car runs, but it hasn’t yet picked up anyone linking Russian collusion to the president.

Out of public view, U.S. Attorney John Huber has been working with Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz in investigating what Mr. Mueller could not or would not investigate. Did Obama administration officials use falsified intelligence to obtain warrants to spy on Trump associates? Did such authorities give Hillary and Bill Clinton and their associates a pass for corruption in return for contributions to the Clinton Foundation?

There’s ample reason to suspect that none of the old friends of Hillary and Bill at the Justice Department are on the scout for evidence that would lead to measuring Hillary for stripes. The lawyer for one whistleblower told The Daily Caller last week that he has firsthand knowledge of the crusade to defend Hillary at all costs. Michael Socarras says his client, Dennis Nathan Cain, provided information to the Justice Department and House and Senate Intelligence Committees about unsavory deals involving the Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, the company that enabled Russians to get control of a share of the U.S. uranium market, and the Russian nuclear energy company Rosatom.

Despite Mr. Cain’s eligibility for whisteblower protection, the FBI instead raided his home in Maryland in November with a warrant to recover “stolen government property,” according to Mr. Socarras. The material, which the agents confiscated, includes documents showing “that federal officials failed to investigate suspected criminal activity regarding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and [the Russian energy company] Rosatom,” The Daily Caller reported. The records show that Mr. Mueller, as director of the FBI, did not investigate allegations of criminal misconduct pertaining to Rosatom and to “other Russian government entities attached to Uranium One.”

These are serious charges. It would nevertheless be wrong, however, to consider Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Mueller, et al., as above suspicion. The special counsel has largely staffed his investigation with Democrats, some of whom are known to be fierce Clinton partisans. He has used charges unrelated to a collusion to squeeze information from Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn, whom he urged the court on Tuesday not to send to prison, owing to his “substantial assistance.”

The president frequently urges Americans to share his skepticism of the special counsel’s objectivity. “Bob Mueller (who is a much different man than people think) and his out of control band of Angry Democrats, don’t want the truth, they only want lies,” the president tweeted on Monday. “The truth is very bad for their mission!”

The Mueller mission seems to be to take down Donald Trump by any means necessary. That’s why a collusion investigation into Hillary Clinton is necessary. A witch hunt that targets Mr. Trump and protects Mrs. Clinton is not justice, but settling the score for losing an election.

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