- The Washington Times - Friday, December 28, 2018

Openly lesbian tennis legend Martina Navratilova has been a hero of sorts to the LGBTQ crowd — until now, that is, when she dared to tweet that males who simply “proclaim” themselves females to compete in female sporting events are unfair and wrong.

For that, she was vilified by the transgender community. For that, she was characterized as a bully.

For that, she was forced to apologize.

But why? Navratilova only spoke the truth.

She initially tweeted, in response to a question about transgender women in athletics, this: “Clearly that can’t be right. You can’t just proclaim yourself a female and be able to compete against women. There must be some standards, and having a penis and competing as a woman would not fit that standard. …”

This is all true.

Transgenders, aided by the seculars and progressives of the world who want nothing more than to tear down traditional family values and uproot the God-ordained, have made great gains in recent years in fueling the narrative that A) sex is a choice and B) operations and drugs can completely change one’s sex.

That’s all well and good — until the insistence for us all to similarly believe.

And for those who don’t accept those lines of fantasy thoughts? They’re branded bullies, discriminatory haters, transphobic. And they’re cowed into silence by the real bullies — the seculars and progressives and LGBTQ community members who want nothing more than to tear down traditional family values and uproot the God-ordained.

This is what’s happened to Navratilova.

After being victimized by a nasty social media campaign, Navratilova then tweeted this: “I am sorry if I said anything anywhere near transphobic — certainly I meant no harm — I will educate myself better on this issue but meantime I will be quiet about it. Thank you.”

It’s not Navratilova who needs further education, though.

She’s got it right.

The sports world is being shaken right now by participants who claim they’re female but aren’t — and who go on to compete and win with unfair advantages.

“Clearly that can’t be right,” Navratilova wrote.

Clearly, it isn’t. And the transgender world knows this. But it’s all about creating chaos — all about forcing an acceptance of an abnormality as a normality — and in so doing, bringing about a society where standards are what the individual deems, at that particular moment in time.

And in that world, sorry to say, right is wrong and wrong is right. Navratilova was simply the latest to cross the boundaries into that backward world.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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