- The Washington Times - Sunday, December 16, 2018

Just when you think politics cannot get any stupider in this country, in skateboards Robert Francis O’Rourke.

That would be the same Robert Francis O’Rourke of privileged upbringing and expensive boarding school pedigree who today goes by “Beto” because it sounds Hispanic now that he has decided to get into electoral politics.

Whatever happened to all the outrage over “cultural appropriation”? You cannot say it is only a problem when conservatives or Republicans do it. Just look at wacky left wing Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren, whose national political ambitions have been crushed by her shameless smash-and-grab at trying to be “Pocahontas” for electoral purposes.

It is all so deeply, deeply stupid. It would all be pathetically funny, except that it is all so toxic and detrimental to a body politic founded upon and devoted to all people being equal.

Not perfection, obviously. But always striving for that perfect ideal.

One thing is certain: If you are not even trying for the principle of all people being equal — regardless of race, religion or gender — you will never get anywhere near it.

These people have entirely thrown in the towel and given up. They don’t even pretend to be trying anymore.

If any other profession in America operated on this level of celebrated racial profiling, it would be put out of business — no doubt by the very same kleptocratic political merchants who have currently elevated it to such dizzying heights.

But it is not just color-by-numbers in some political coloring book for these people. It actually extends to real political policy. Policies that kill people.

Talking to supporters last week, Mr. O’Rourke rightly lamented the tragedy of people dying trying to cross the border illegally into the United States. This is especially tragic when we are talking about young children dragged by adults — often mercenary coyote smugglers — across such lethally treacherous terrain.

To blame, according to this Prep School Politico? The wall, he says.

The “wall that we have already built that pushes people who are at their most desperate and vulnerable to ever-more inhospitable stretches of the Chihuahua Desert.”

What is amazing here is that while the Prep School Politico doesn’t make much of any point to support his anti-borders political stance, his statement does make exactly President Trump’s point. Which is that walls work — thereby preventing people from crossing at places where they have been erected.

Mr. O’Rourke’s assertion is not just some ill-considered comment whipped up in the political frenzy of the moment. In a tweet, he doubled down.

“Border Patrol reported 329 migrant deaths in 2016. In 2017, 294 deaths. Seven were children,” he pointed out, underscoring the grievous humanitarian obligation that America has to finally secure our dangerous border with Mexico.

Inexplicably, however, the Prep School Pundit added: “The solution is not more walls. It’s not more partisanship and rhetoric.”

Again, if he cared about poor, dying migrant children as much as he cares about “partisanship and rhetoric,” Mr. O’Rourke would acknowledge that, indeed, walls do work. When people stop trying to traverse deadly deserts to illegally invade our borders, only then will children stop dying.

Perhaps if his name was actually “Beto,” he might actually care about them.

• Contact Charles Hurt at churt@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter @charleshurt.

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