- The Washington Times - Sunday, August 5, 2018

Since nobody else takes The Washington Post seriously anymore, the newspaper of record for The Swamp has had to pick up the slack and take itself even more seriously.

The (com) Post has become consumed by hatred of President Trump, its reporting having turned so distorted and delusional that the paper can no longer separate just the facts from “fake news.”

No longer pretending to be fair or unbiased, the (com) Post has lustily joined the zany campaign to destroy the president and portray his administration as some kind of criminal enterprise. The (com) Post should change its name to “The Gaslight Gazette.” Instead, the paper came up with a new slogan for their rabidly anti-Trump coverage.

“Democracy Dies in Darkness.” It is not clear where the “darkness” comes since the Trump administration is nothing short of a constant supernova of news.

Perhaps, “darkness” is a funny reference to their own deluded stupidity. “Democracy Dies in Dimwittedness” would be a better slogan.

But still, the (com) Post is giving itself far too much credit. Honestly, Democracy does not really give a crap what the (com) Post has to say about anything. Democracy canceled its subscription to the (com) Post long ago.

President Trump, meanwhile, cannot help himself but to tangle with the dimwits.

“Enemy of the People!” he declares. This, of course, draws unbridled hysterics from the media, clinging wildly to their own delusions of grandeur.

Nobody has come to pieces more spectacularly than Jim Acosta of CNN, the formerly admired global news network now presidentially derided as “fake news.”

Mr. Acosta, formerly an adult reporter who now plays a clueless whiney child on daytime television, got flipped off and yelled at during a recent Trump rally and came unglued. The next day Mr. Acosta turned the globally televised White House press briefing into his own personal therapy session.

After White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders delivered a poised, thoughtful and balanced critique of the press, Mr. Acosta went into full-blown therapy meltdown.

“I think it would be a good thing if you were to say right here at this briefing that the press, the people who are gathered in this room right now, are doing their jobs every day,” he squealed with overwrought (and ridiculously undeserved) righteous indignation. “I — I — I think we deserve that!”

With kindness, yet the understandable firmness of Nurse Ratched in “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” Mrs. Sanders replied calmly: “I appreciate your passion.”

Oh, As the Press Turns!

As sad a spectacle as Mr. Acosta has become, perhaps no one in the press is as harebrained and hyperventilating as Bret Stephens, who left a legitimate paper to join The New York Times so that he could become part of the unflinching Never Trump media.

Mr. Stephens recently wrote a column making the spectacular leap from Mr. Trump’s legitimate criticisms of the press — to all-out bloodshed in the streets.

The column is subtly titled: “Trump Will Have Blood on His Hands.”

Seriously? How does a loser like this live with himself? He is literally begging for someone to get killed so that he can blame Mr. Trump for murder, which is about the only thing they haven’t already blamed him for.

It would be more shocking except that Mr. Stephens works for the same racist outfit that just last week hired an openly bigoted writer to help Mr. Stephens think through the issues of the day and write editorials about them for the paper.

“Are white people genetically predisposed to burn faster in the sun, thus logically being only fit to live underground like groveling goblins?” opined Sarah Jeong before The New York Times snapped her up.

Other gems of insight from Ms. Jeong: “Oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men.” “White people have stopped breeding. You’ll all go extinct soon. This was my plan all along.”

Indeed, Democracy dies in dimwittedness.

Contact Charles Hurt at churt@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter @charleshurt.

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