- Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The American people are slowly but surely realizing that President Trump is not part of yesterday’s Republican Party. First of all, he is a fighter. That’s new for Republicans. Second, he really is for the middle class. His tax plan lowered taxes on the middle class and raised taxes on the rich, as evidenced by the outcry from states with high state and property taxes.

Third, he isn’t beholden to the deep-pocketed groups that force the representatives they have in their pockets to vote a certain way or say certain things. Fourth, he has rejected the globalists, the “one-world” crowd, for “America first.”

People across America in all groups are responding to what they are seeing first-hand: Mr. Trump using his business skills and knowledge to really “make America great again,” which means more good-paying jobs for all, including blacks, Hispanics, women and everyone else.

The old Republican Party was devoid of new ideas and distrusted by the people. Mr. Trump is the foundation for a new Republican Party representing all of us.

In spite of his lack of etiquette and deportment, the people love his frank honesty and lack of political polish. His results show that he knows what he is doing — because, amazingly, he is keeping his promises.



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