- Sunday, August 26, 2018

I really take offense at New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s despicable remark last week that America “was never that great” (“Andrew Cuomo: America ’was never that great,’ Web Aug. 15).

When I was shipped back home to St. Albans Hospital in Brooklyn, New York, after being wounded in Vietnam to have a ruptured disc taken out of my lower back at the age of 19, I would have objected to going there with all of my being had Mr. Cuomo been governor at the time. This miserable excuse for a human being is what makes all politicians in the Democratic Party look bad.

Our military men and woman are dying defending our country in various parts of the world and here we have a man who looks down his nose at their sacrifice, making ignorant comments like that.

If Mr. Cuomo and those of his ilk stay in office and continue to promote their hate for this country, we won’t have a country because no one will want to fight to keep our democracy going.


Warrenville, S.C.

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