- The Washington Times - Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Radio host Rush Limbaugh says special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation is proving to millions of citizens that a “dual system of justice” exists in America.

The man behind the “Golden EIB microphone” told listeners on Wednesday that a large population of Americans view legal battles surrounding President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen, along ex-campaign chairman Paul Manafort, very differently than political pundits.

Mr. Limbaugh said that the U.S. Department of Justice’s handling of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s secret email server, particularly when juxtaposed with law enforcement’s focus on Mr. Trump, demonstrates a dangerous development.

“There is clearly now a double standard, a dual system of justice at the highest levels of our Department of Justice,” the conservative said. “You can see it in the way the DOJ and the FBI exonerated the Democrat presidential candidate when real crimes were taking place for years and years right under their noses, crimes they perhaps even participated in.”

“Those crimes, because they involved the Democrat nominee, were exonerated. The Democrat nominee herself was exonerated,” he continued. “You go to the Trump campaign, the Republican, the opponent, where there aren’t any crimes, there wasn’t any collusion with Russia, there hasn’t been any obstruction of justice, and yet this is where the allegation of crimes is occurring? And it’s occurring with people who are peripheral to the original charge of all this — Russian collusion, stealing the election?”

Mr. Limbaugh added that members of the media are essentially casting Mr. Mueller as a “sitting supreme branch of government who has the power to oversee the Trump administration” on a daily basis.

“What makes it really frightening, and the reason people are losing faith in some of the greatest institutions this country’s ever had, leading with the Department of Justice, is because it’s plain as day what I just pointed out to you: There is a dual system of justice in this country. If you’re a Democrat you’re going to be exonerated or given one hell of a benefit of the doubt. If you’re Republican, you’re gonna be presumed guilty, and a never-ending pursuit to get you will then commence.”

The host’s comments came in the wake of Mr. Cohen’s guilty plea to eight criminal charges in federal court in Manhattan, which include bank fraud, tax evasion and campaign finance violations.

Mr. Manafort was found guilty of eight financial crimes in an Alexandria, Virginia, courtroom. Charges included filing false tax returns, failing to report foreign bank accounts in 2012 and bank fraud charges.

“Robert Mueller, as I said yesterday, and his team are plowing through the Constitution. They’re shredding it as they go,” Mr. Limbaugh said. “None of this is about collusion with the Russians to steal an election. These people have an unlimited charter, Mueller, to go anywhere with the express purpose of overturning the results of the election in 2016.”

• Douglas Ernst can be reached at dernst@washingtontimes.com.

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