- The Washington Times - Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Venezuela is in crisis mode, its currency tanking, its oil-rich vastness a waste of socialist rule, its peoples desperate for even the most basic of human necessities.

And this is where the young Democrats and progressives of America would like to head.

This is where the 44 percent of millennials who prefer socialism to capitalism would like this country to go. 

A big hat tip to America’s public school systems on that one, yes? Apparently, years of teaching Founding Fathers as evil white men and the Constitution as inherently racist have had their effect and now, America’s rising generations, don’t even know that socialism is one of government’s biggest tools of “justified” murder of its own citizens.

Roughly 20 million were killed under Joseph Stalin. Somewhere in the vicinity of 65 million were killed by China’s Mao Zedong. A comparatively paltry 4 million were murdered by Pol Pot in Cambodia. The list of victims of socialist rule goes on.

But in America, circa 2018, it’s the Republicans and their GD capitalistic piggery that’s the threat in the minds of the left?

“In a radical attempt to end a prolonged period of economic turmoil in the oil-rich, but cash-poor nation, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced Friday that his socialist administration would issue new banknotes after lopping five zeroes off the beleaguered bolivar,” CNBC reported.

That devalues the nation’s currency by 96 percent. Overnight. In the flash of an eye.

How’s that help with purchasing power? How’s that help the poor buy their bread?

The left, bless their little hearts — insert Southern accent and meaning here — insists it’s not socialism to blame.

It’s Maduro’s corruption.

The left doesn’t see how socialism leads to government corruption — how the adage “absolute power corrupts absolutely” applies to socialist rule — how removing the free market and individual’s incentive to create and own actually fuels the whole cycle of government corruption.

Sadly, the left doesn’t see that because America’s schools just aren’t teaching that any longer.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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