- The Washington Times - Sunday, August 19, 2018

Former United States Attorney for the District of Columbia Joe DiGenova says the actions of James Comey and Peter Strzok under the guidance of Loretta Lynch and President Barack Obama constitute “the greatest federal law enforcement and national security scandal in history.”

DiGenova made the charge in a wide-ranging interview with me last week on WMAL in Washington DC when Paul Manafort’s legal team rested their case without presenting a defense in the first trial stemming from Rob Mueller’s Special Counsel investigation. 

“It’s pretty obvious that Mueller doesn’t have anything on Russian collusion or he would have charged it long before now. The other indictments that he has brought of the 25 Russians and Russian & companies are all.. that’s to make it look like he’s doing something to justify his existence. They bear no resemblance whatsoever to collusion between the Trump campaign and any official government actors. So what he’s trying to do by leaning on Manafort is try to influence other people. But the question is, who would that be? I mean, Papadopoulos has pleaded guilty to something that wasn’t a crime, General Flynn has pleaded guilty to something that wasn’t a crime…if all of the activities that all of these people engaged in was then pleaded guilty to making false statements, all the activity that they did were legal. Everything that happened at Trump Tower was legal. I don’t understand what this is about and it does highlight what I think is going to be the ultimate scandal here which was the illegal obtaining of FISA warrants followed by the unmasking of Trump people during the transition and I think Samantha Power and John Brennan and James Clapper all need lawyers if the Justice Department does its job.” 

DiGenova went on to say Mueller is “not conducting a real investigation, he’s conducting an impeachment investigation,” and explained that any other investigator would have been looking into the abuse of the FISA warrants used to electronically surveil the Trump campaign. 

“It’s pretty obvious that there was a conspiracy to obstruct justice and a conspiracy to deny Donald Trump his civil rights,” DiGenova said. 

Finally, DiGenova put the blame for the conduct of the FBI and Justice Department squarely on the shoulders of then-President Obama. 

“I’m really sorry for our all of our listeners out there but I have to say this,” he said. “Barack Obama is smack dab in the middle of this. You will recall on January 5, 2017, 15 days before the president’s inauguration, they had a meeting in the Oval Office with the Vice President and John Brennan and James Comey and Rhodes and Susan Rice about the ongoing investigation of the incoming President. And on January 20th you will recall that Susan Rice wrote an email, to herself, saying that on January 5th they all got together, for some unknown reason, just to discuss how everything had been done by the book. Well la-di-da, that’s a bunch… that requires a grand jury subpoena everybody at that meeting including his nibs, Barack Obama.”

Listen to the full interview here: 


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