- Monday, August 13, 2018

Omarosa Manigault Newman is yet another example of someone who got caught abusing a government position and instead of admitting culpability and taking the consequences like a grown-up has decided to show the world she’s a national security risk (“Omarosa releases new secret audio: Trump called her the day after she was fire,” Web, Aug. 13). This is a woman who was fired from her job in the White House because she was misusing taxpayer property and because she had serious integrity issues.

Lashing out at the president when she got called out for being a poor employee is infantile, what a child does to put a parent on the defensive so that punishment can be avoided or at least lessened in severity. In this case, it is an adult acting the same way, but with a twist: She recorded the president of the United States, most likely without permission, in the White House situation room. Having done so, she should be considered a security threat and be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

This is the kind of foolishness that has plagued the Trump White House since day one. The only way to properly handle issues like this is a complete purge of every employee who cannot be trusted to perform in the best interests of the president, and by extension, the people of the United States.

Mrs. Manigault-Newman has soiled her own reputation and in the bitter process of blaming everyone else for her own misadventures is seemingly willing to take as many others with her down the path of ruin as she can. President Trump needs to ignore her and her accusations, gather up the rest of the dirty employees in our house and toss them out like the garbage they are.


Gainesville, Fla.

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