- The Washington Times - Sunday, April 8, 2018

Chaos in the West Wing!

Unprecedented turmoil!

Another White House shake-up!

President Trump cussed out his Chief of Staff John F. Kelly!

John Kelly swore back, stormed out of the Oval Office, threatened to quit and went home early!

Somebody please give Jeb! Bush his exclamation point back. Enough already.

All the breathless palace intrigue and tireless Washington rubbernecking is coming from a bunch of people whose only prayer in life is to see Mr. Trump fail.

And Mr. Trump is the one getting lampooned as some kind of reality-star soap-opera president running a dramafest White House?

You know what is far more pathetic than a reality-star soap-opera president who runs a dramafest White House?

All the loser reporters, wags and hangers-on who sit around and foment, obsess, speculate and consternate about a reality-star soap-opera president running a dramafest White House.

When there is this much noise and smoke and mirrors, the best thing to do is just look at the scoreboard.

And by “scoreboard,” I don’t mean poll numbers. Poll numbers are the currency of Washington politicians whose only goal is getting re-elected while stealing as much from the public till as possible without getting caught.

By “scoreboard” I mean actual accomplishments.

Unfortunately for Mr. Trump, so many of the promises he made during his campaign were made on the assumption that he had capable allies in Congress who would pursue the pro-America agenda that got him elected.

But it turned out that after years and years of their promises to “repeal and replace” Obamacare, Republicans in Congress were just kidding. Only Mr. Trump was serious about that one.

Securing the border? Politicians in both parties have been promising that one for decades now. But when it comes to actually building the damned wall, they scatter like rats.

Suddenly gripped by pangs of fiscal caution, these are the same lizards who have saddled our children and grandchildren with $20 trillion in debt.

Sure, Mr. Trump got snookered into signing an atrocious spending bill that does not get his wall built. But how is it he is the only one that seems to get all the blame for it?

After all, it is the scoundrels in both parties at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue who have been doing this now for decades. And, besides, wasn’t it the Democrats and Republicans in Congress who actually wrote the putrid bill in the first place?

Take China. Politicians in both parties have campaigned for the past 20 years promising to stand up to China. They never do. China lies, cheats and steals at every turn.

There went out textile industry. And our furniture industry. Replaced by meth labs and a black market for opioids. Talk about fair trade with the Far East!

Now they are stealing our technology industry.

Finally, a president stands up to China.

Immediately all the Washington buzzards — many from his own stinking party — viciously attack Mr. Trump for doing exactly what he promised to do during his campaign.

They accuse him of being a free trade traitor. He’s doing it all wrong. Worst possible strategy to get what he wants, they claim.

Who knows, maybe Mr. Trump’s strategy of using tariffs and tough talk will not work on China? But one thing is for certain. This “strategy” of Democrat and Republican politicians in Washington campaigning on promises they never intend to fulfill has now been crushing this country for a very long time.

Contact Charles Hurt at churt@washingtontimes.com; @charleshurt

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