- Associated Press - Thursday, April 5, 2018

Numerous people have been fired or forced out of jobs in the wake of the scandal involving once-renowned gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar, who is serving decades in prison for molesting athletes and for child pornography crimes.

Nassar worked for both Michigan State and USA Gymnastics, the Indiana-based organization responsible for training Olympians. The school and organization are being sued by dozens of women.

Here’s a look at some of the individuals or organizations that have been ousted, opted to quit, taken leaves or had ties cut:



- Lou Anna Simon: The president and school alumna resigned in January amid growing pressure from students, lawmakers and some members of the university’s governing board. She acknowledged being “the focus of this anger” but has denied any cover-up by the university. The university’s governing board hired former Michigan Gov. John Engler as its interim president.

- Mark Hollis: The athletic director, also an MSU alumnus, called his departure in January a retirement, but he, too, had faced pressure to leave. He had been on the job for 10 years. He said he made the choice because of “the scope of everything,” adding that he hopes it helps the “healing process.”

- Kathie Klages: The former gymnastics coach resigned last year after she was suspended for defending Nassar over the years. Klages is accused of downplaying complaints made by two teens in 1997.

- Brooke Lemmen: The former school doctor resigned last year after learning the university was considering firing her because she didn’t disclose that USA Gymnastics was investigating Nassar.

- William Strampel: The former dean of MSU’s College of Osteopathic Medicine was charged in March amid allegations that he failed to keep Nassar in line, groped female students and stored nude student selfies on his campus computer. Strampel, who has been named in lawsuits, announced in December that he was taking a leave of absence for medical reasons. The school announced that month it planned to fire Strampel and suspended Suresh Mukherji, the chairman of the college’s Department of Radiology and chief medical officer of the MSU HealthTeam. Mukherji was cleared and reinstated a short time later.

- Bob Noto: The university in February announced the departure of its longtime vice president for legal affairs. The school called it a retirement. He had been Michigan State’s general counsel since 1995. Trustee Brian Mosallam had sought Noto’s resignation.



- Valeri Liukin: The coordinator of the women’s national team for USA Gymnastics announced in early February that he stepped down, less than 18 months after taking over for Martha Karolyi in September 2016. Liukin said in a statement that while he wanted to help turn the program around, “the present climate causes me, and more importantly my family, far too much stress, difficulty and uncertainty.”

- USA Gymnastics confirmed Jan. 26 that its entire board of directors would resign as requested by the U.S. Olympic Committee. The USOC had threatened to decertify the gymnastics organization that picks U.S. national teams and is the umbrella organization for hundreds of clubs across the country.

- Steve Penny: The former president and CEO resigned under pressure in March 2017 and was replaced by Kerry Perry, who took over in December.



- John Geddert: The owner of the Michigan club was suspended in January by USA Gymnastics and announced his retirement. He was the U.S. women’s coach at the 2012 Olympics. Nassar was sentenced earlier this year to a third prison term of 40 to 125 years for molesting young athletes at the elite training center. Geddert has said he had “zero knowledge” of Nassar’s crimes.



- USA Gymnastics said in January that the ranch outside Huntsville, Texas, would no longer serve as the national training center where a number of gymnasts said Nassar abused them.



- Scott Blackmun: The CEO resigned in February, citing difficulties with prostate cancer and the federation’s need to urgently move forward to deal with the sex abuse scandal. He was diagnosed with cancer earlier this winter. Blackmun leaves amid calls for his departure, including from two U.S. senators who said neither he nor the USOC at large reacted properly to sex abuse cases involving Nassar. The USOC is conducting an independent review of when Blackmun and others learned the details about abuse cases at USA Gymnastics and whether they responded appropriately.

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