- The Washington Times - Monday, April 2, 2018

One of the most disturbing chapters of the Andrew McCabe saga here in The Swamp is the smarmy, shameless, despicable and totally effective fundraising campaign that just netted the former Deputy FBI Director a cool half-million bucks donated by generous (if not misguided) Americans keen on seeing James Comey’s crony “stick it” to Donald Trump. 

Now, you may see it as a bit unseemly for a “public servant” to beg the American people to pay for his lawyers (doesn’t he know a few lawyers who could help him out? Does Sally Yates have a gig?) but you’re clearly missing the point. McCabe is one of our betters. He doesn’t have time for “accountability” or “transparency” or petty little ideas like “answering to a higher authority for his actions.” He IS the higher authority, right? 

The fundraising pitch rhetorically pitted McCabe as the valiant defender of truth, justice and the American way against the fascist president who dared follow the recommendations of the independent, non-partisan Inspector General of the DOJ and the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) who apparently determined McCabe had lied multiple times to Comey, to the OPR and the IG. (Damn that tyrant Trump for not stopping his Attorney General from following the recommendations of the OPR! How long must this tyranny last?) 

Then he solemnly moves on to describe exactly what he’ll use his donations for:

Unfortunately, the need for a legal defense fund is a growing reality.  Media reports indicate that at a minimum, there are a number of congressional inquiries that he will be required to respond to, as well as the broader Office of the Inspector General (OIG) investigation that is ongoing, and any potential lawsuits he might consider

In other words, McCabe wants your money to help him answer questions to the entities responsible for oversight of his behavior at the FBI. His actions, while employed in the Justice Department’s law enforcement bureau have come into question and he has to answer for that behavior. So now it’s time for Americans to pony up and pay for his lawyers. 

Smarmy. Shameless. Duplicitous. Disingenuous. Sanctimonious. Arrogant. Entitled. My God… this guy could be an honorary Clinton. 

As of Monday, McCabe shutdown the fundraising device after it had exceeded $550,000. His message sounds a bit like a rough draft for his speech announcing his candidacy for Congress: 

“The outpouring of support on GoFundMe has been simply overwhelming and has led to contributions that have left us stunned and extraordinarily grateful. The GoFundMe campaign began organically, with generous people spontaneously giving to accounts that others had set up. I never imagined that I would need to rely on this type of assistance. The fact is that if I am going to continue taking a stand against the unfair way I have been treated, I will need the help of a talented and courageous team behind me. Hopefully our efforts, fueled by your incredible support, will encourage others to stand up for themselves, and the truth, as well. It is not lost on me that each contribution reflects not just someone’s well wishes, but also their acknowledgement that something in this situation is not fair or just. We wish to thank every donor from the bottom of our hearts for your support.”

This episode proves one of the main lessons learned for any observer or participant of life in the DC Swamp since November 6th, 2016: You can be rich and famous if you define yourself as being either against Donald Trump (especially if you were once identified as a Republican) or as being a legitimate threat to the future of the Trump presidency. This is exemplified in the by the euphoria shown when ABC erroneously reported that Gen. Michael Flynn was going to cooperate with the Mueller investigation implicating Donald Trump. They hated Flynn with every fiber of their beings right up until the point they thought he was taking Trum[p down. Then, they loved him. Until they discovered ABC was wrong. Then they hated Flynn again.

McCabe is seen as a martyr to the Trump presidency and the thinking goes that if he can successfully show that his dismissal was a fit of political pique, then the obstruction of justice case against the president is that much closer to articles of impeachment. Therefore, he gets half-a-million bucks in 48 hours. It’s quite an industry, actually. 

If anything, this entire episode explains how great things are in America fourteen months into the Trump presidency. If the economy is this strong and Americans have so much extra cash on hand due to the Trump tax cuts that they can fund McCabe and his Quixotic legal strategies, things must be going pretty darn well. 

I mean, let’s face it, even McCabe allegedly bought a Porsche in the past year. If only he’d bought a Ford Fiesta, he could’ve funded his own legal defense… but pay no attention to that… he’s a man of the people, don’t ya know?

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