- Wednesday, April 18, 2018

We can all agree with Martha McSally that the choice of John Bolton as President Trump’s national security adviser is a good one (“America in good hands,” Web, April 16). While applauding the choice, though, let us not go overboard in our praise too quickly. Mr. Bolton prepares to undertake a herculean task.

In a mere eight years President Obama was able to make the world a far less safe place than the world he inherited. His questionable decisions regarding Iraq, Syria, Iran, North Korea and Islamic terrorism led to his leaving President Trump and the national security team a host of major problems, all of which are now of high priority.

Mr. Bolton was faced with a major issue as he joined the government: the need to punish Syria for the use of chemical weapons. Whether his late arrival contributed to the delay of the reprisal attack is unknown, but in my opinion the attack was probably only partially effective because of the delay. There is no doubt that Russia and Iran assisted Syria in removing some weapons and materials to other locations prior to the attack. Let us hope that now Mr. Bolton is in place, other urgent issues will be tackled more quickly.

Few readers would disagree with the conclusion that Mr. Obama was prematurely awarded the Nobel Peace Prize so soon after he took office. Let us hope that the expectations that proceed Mr. Bolton’s appointment lead to well-deserved honors later.



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