- The Washington Times - Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Barbara Bush, the “silver fox” of modern-day politics — so-dubbed for her snowy white hair and cut-to-the-chase manner of speaking — has died, leaving a legacy that will be talk of the town for the next few days.

But of special note is her legacy of bringing together warring factions.

Even the left is grieving her passing. And in this day and time of vicious politicking — that ain’t small potatoes.

From House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Twitter: “Tonight is a sad night for America. First Lady Barbara Bush will be remembered for the dignity, civility & spirit she brought to every thing she did. But most of all, everyone who knew Mrs. Bush saw her immense love for & pride in her family.”

From Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, also on Twitter: “Mrs. Bush personified grace and class as First Lady and throughout her life; she will be missed. I send my heartfelt condolences to the Bush Family.”

From former President Bill Clinton, this statement: “Barbara Bush was a remarkable woman. She had grit & grace, brains & beauty. She was fierce & feisty in support of her family & friends, her country & her causes. She showed us what an honest, vibrant, full life looks like. Hillary and I mourn her passing and bless her memory.”

From the former president and first lady, Barack and Michelle Obama: “We’ll always be grateful to Mrs. Bush for the generosity she showed to us throughout our time in the White House, but we’re even more grateful for the way she lived her life — as a testament to the fact that public service is an important and noble calling; as an example of the humility and decency that reflects the very best of the American spirit.”

From the former vice prez, Joe Biden: “Her tireless work as a champion for global literacy will be just one legacy she leaves behind. The others will be her unshakeable faith, her devotion to service and her beloved family, in which she instilled that same great love of country and public service.”

From another former vice prez, Al Gore: Bush was a “pillar of strength for her family” and “was much admired in our country.”

From Barbra Streisand, noted Hollywood leftist: “Sending my sincere condolences and prayers to The Bush family.”

From Don Lemon, noted media leftist: “Elegant First Lady passes away. #RIP — at CNN.”

From pretend-conservative and very anti-President Donald Trump media talking head Ana Navarro: “RIP Barbara Bush. A truly amazing life. She lived it on her terms until the very end. She was adored by her children & grandchildren and shared her life for 73 yrs w/the love of her life. But my heart breaks for Bush 41. The thought of him without her, is just so damn sad.”

The list goes on — and on and on, including those of all walks of life, all persuasions of politics.

But what’s most remarkable is the left’s response. The fact Bush lived a life that even in death evokes respect and courtesy from those who would normally tear down with their rhetoric, rather than build up, is probably the biggest testament to her character. It’s uncommon, even unheard of, to be a political figure who’s missed and grieved by all. That’s really a life of “well done, good and faithful servant.”

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. 

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