- The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 17, 2018

President Donald Trump rode into office on the wings, in part, of a promise to clean up the Deep State, drain the swamp and boot from places of influence those who’ve worked behind the scenes to undo America’s greatness, one unconstitutional usurpation at a time.

It must be working. How else to explain how nuts the left’s been acting of late?

Just look at James Comey and his “A Higher Loyalty” book. In it, he paints Trump as a liar, a mafia-esque leader — a man of small hands, a president who’s brought the country to “a dangerous time,” to an era “where basic facts are disputed, fundamental truth is questioned, lying is normalized and unethical behavior is ignored, excused or rewarded,” he wrote, according to published excerpts.

But peer past the words into the mind of the writer and it’s obvious: Here’s a guy who’s so ticked, who’s so pissed, who’s so filled with hate that he doesn’t even bother to filter. The rhetoric is unbefitting for a man of his supposed esteem — but apparently, he can’t help himself.

The tizzy doesn’t stop there.

John Brennan, former Central Intelligence Agency director, unleashed similarly on his Twitter feed in recent times.

In one post, he wrote of Trump: “[Y]our self adoration is disgraceful.” In another, he predicted it wouldn’t be long before Trump’s “venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption” became known — and then, the president would assume his “rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history.”

That’s just a sampling of the vitriol. But again, unbefitting for a man of his supposed stature.

Let’s not forget the over-the-top FBI hit job against Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, and the constitutionally questionable raid of his private offices and files. The raid wasn’t conducted directly by Robert Mueller’s special counsel office, but rather through the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York. But it gives a hint of desperation just the same. The harsh tactics used here, described by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich as Gestapo-like, combined with the failure of Mueller’s yearlong investigation to produce anything of value that points a Russia collusion charge back to the president, suggest the raid was in large part a play to anti-Trump press bias. After all, what says guilt more than a dramatic federal raid?

Just ask Paul Manafort, another victim of Gestapo-like early morning federal raid.

Add to this the bits and pieces of strange attacks on Trump’s appointed people — like the one that went forth this week against Mike Pompeo, from Sen. Cory Booker, who couldn’t stop asking about the secretary of state nominee’s views of gay sex — and it’s becoming increasingly clear: The left is filled with fear.

The anti-Trumpers are shaking in their wearing thin, Trump-stomping boots.

The powers-who-be who’ve been aligning against Trump since his election days are realizing his impeachment is not imminent, his days are not numbered, his promises to untangle and unravel the Deep State are coming true.

Truly, the left is losing it because Donald Trump is winning.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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