- Wednesday, April 11, 2018

As President Trump weighs a response to the latest deadly Syrian chemical-weapons attack on civilians, he should consider formally recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights (“Trump unleashes anger on ’Animal’ Assad over apparent chemical attack in Syria,” Web, April 8).

First, this would exact a permanent price for Syrian President Bashar Assad’s unbridled barbarity. Second, Israel’s pre-1967 border with Syria was indefensible. Syria used the Golan to shell Israeli farms and villages in the Galilee below, and as a base for Yasser Arafat’s terrorist raids into Israel. Since 1967, with Israel controlling the Golan, its Syrian border has been mostly quiet.

Third, the Golan contains the Jordan River’s headwaters, a key source of Israel’s water. Before 1967, Syria tried to divert Golan water away from Israel — twice nearly triggering wars. Keeping the Golan secures Israel’s vital water supply.

Fourth, the Golan’s population of 50,000 is evenly divided between Druze and Jews. Most Druze would gladly accept Israeli citizenship but fear retribution should Syria regain the territory. With finality, that concern would be alleviated.

Fifth, Israel has shielded the Golan’s residents from the Syrian civil war bloodbath that has killed about 600,000 people. Israel also has used the Golan to rescue and treat 4,000 wounded Syrians and provide food and medicine to 300,000 Syrian civilians across the border.

Sixth, the Golan contains Jewish archaeological treasures such as Gamla. If Israel relinquished the Golan, these treasures would face the same fate as Nimrud in Iraq, Palmyra in Syria and Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem.

Finally, when Israel evacuated Southern Lebanon in 2000 and Gaza in 2005, Hezbollah and Hamas seized these territories and made them bases for terrorizing Israel. If Israel left the Golan, either Iran, Hezbollah, the Islamic State or Mr. Assad — all determined to annihilate Israel — would immediately seize it. Israel cannot tolerate that existential threat.


San Francisco

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