- The Washington Times - Friday, September 8, 2017

Hollywood’s Jennifer Lawrence, who won an Oscar for best actress in 2017, took a dive into U.S. politics to basically blame President Donald Trump for the hurricanes.

After all, she reasoned, if Americans hadn’t elected Trump to the White House — well then, “Mother Nature” wouldn’t have reason to be so darn angry.

Here’s the context, during a discussion on Britain’s Channel 4 to chat up her newest project, “Mother!”

“It’s scary,” she said, in response to the reporter’s remark about an “end-of-days feeling” that was sweeping the world, hitting particularly hard in America, Fox News noted.

She went on: “You know, it’s this new language that’s forming. I don’t even recognize it. It’s also scary to know that climate change is due to human activity, and we continue to ignore it and the only voice that we really have is through voting.”

And how did America recently vote?

For Trump — an outcome Lawrence described as “really startling.”

It was in that context — the context of speaking about the “startling” Trump win — that Lawrence then said this: “You know, you’re watching these hurricanes now and it’s really hard, especially while promoting this movie, not to feel Mother Nature’s rage and wrath,” Fox noted.

Wow. Trump, a man the left painted during campaign season as a circus clown, a man the liberals showcased as doomed-to-fail during his White House term, is somehow still powerful enough to sway, as Lawrence suggested, “Mother Nature.”

Well, here’s a thought: If Lawrence’s theory is correct, that one man’s actions can influence a whole weather system so that it leads to catastrophic storms and destruction and devastation — how does she know “Mother Nature” isn’t, say, ticked off about abortion?

Perhaps it’s not Trump. Perhaps it’s Planned Parenthood.

Just sayin’.

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