- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 7, 2017

ISIS terrorists have put out a call for jihadists to head to disaster areas in Texas and do whatever they can to put those outside the Islam faith “out of their misery.”

It’s a call for killings against the nation’s vulnerable, and it came courtesy of the terror group’s telegram channel.

“To all the LMs [lone mujahids or warriors] in the U.S.,” Newsweek reported, citing Jihadoscope, “pop down to Houston and drop in at any of the relief centers housing displaced people from the Houston floods, make sure to bring lots of supplies/gadgets/toys to see if you can help put any kuffs out of their misery.”

Kuffs means disbeliever — those outside the Islam faith.

And ’lest the message be confused with a call for charitable help, consider this: It ends with emoji icons of a bomb, a knife, an explosion, a gun, a pill, an injection needle. Message received: Kill, by whatever means available.

Newsweek also noted the message was posted by a channel called “Lone Mujahid” on Telegram, an encryption app that’s frequently used by jihadists because of the privacy and protections it offers.

This isn’t the first time ISIS has called for jihad against Americans. This past November, for instance, ISIS put out a plea for would-be jihadists to “slaughter” voters in the United States. And on more than one occasion, the terror group has called for killing of family members of key U.S. military officials, even going so far as to publish names.

But targeting vulnerable victims left homeless by Harvey — reliant on neighborly help to weather and survive the storm?

Using charity to mask murder?

That’s a scumbag low. And the ISIS message didn’t say, but chances are, Irma victims need to be on their toes for the same threat.

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