- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 7, 2017

Hillary Clinton, failed Democratic nominee for president, said in her new book — the one that’s aptly titled, “What Happened” — that conceding the White House to Donald Trump was “one of the strangest” moments of her life.

That’s very likely an understatement — and one she goes on to soften even further.

“[It was] perfectly nice and weirdly ordinary,” Clinton went on.

So when did the drinking start, exactly?

She didn’t say.

“Donald, it’s Hillary,” she wrote, remembering the moment, The Hill reported. “It was without a doubt one of the strangest moments of my life. I congratulated Trump and offered to do anything I could to make sure the transition was smooth.”

It was like a tea party — an 1800s-style tea party, with curtsies and bowing and oodles upon oodles of polite chit-chat. Right?

“He said nice things about my family and our campaign,” Clinton wrote, as The Hill noted. “He may have said something about how hard it must have been to make the call, but it’s a blur now, so I can’t say for certain. It was all perfectly nice and weirdly ordinary, like calling a neighbor to say you can’t make it to his barbecue. It was mercifully brief.”

Well isn’t that special.

But the supposed warm and fuzzy didn’t last long. Clinton disappeared from the world stage shortly after her stunning loss, only to return to blame everybody and their mother for her own failures. And the blame game didn’t disappear.

Here it is Sept. 6, 2017, fully 10-plus months after the election — and Vanity Fair blasted forth this headline: “A Brief List of People Clinton Blames for Her Election Loss, Part 3.”

Part 3 — as if there were too much material to confine such a story to just one post.

“In excerpts published Tuesday, she placed a not-insignificant amount of blame on her former primary opponent, Bernie Sanders,” Vanity Fair wrote. “In new snippets, obtained by CNN, Clinton fingers Barack Obama and Joe Biden, too.”

And she also blames James Comey, The New York Times, sexism and — get this, all ye deplorables of the country — “gullible Americans.”

On that last, Clinton wrote: “I think it’s fair to say that I didn’t realize how quickly the ground was shifting under all our feet. I was running a traditional presidential campaign with carefully thought-out policies and painstakingly built coalitions, while Trump was running a reality TV show that expertly and relentlessly stoked Americans’ anger and resentment.”

Oh, Hillary, when will you learn?

The American people weighed you and found you lacking. That’s not the fault of the American people — that’s simply the judgment and decision.

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