- The Washington Times - Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Liberals like to say law-and-order Republicans who want to control border incursions and turn back illegals from America are cruel and heartless, haters of humankind.

But they’ll cheer this?

Actress Martha Plimpton, known best for her role in “Goonies,” boasted to a crowd of adoring Seattle fans her “best” abortion was in fact, in their city.


“Seattle has some particular significance for me for lots of reasons,” Plimpton said during a town hall event that was weeks ago, but which was videotaped. And the video’s only starting to make media waves now.

She went on, citing the reasons Seattle is so near and dear to her heart, as Fox News noted: “I’ve got a lot of family here, some of whom are here in the audience tonight. I also had my first abortion here at the Seattle Planned Parenthood.”

And the response from the audience?

Claps and cheers. As if killing the unborn were natural cause for jubilation.

As if her remarks didn’t underscore the utter hypocrisy of the left, which tries to paint itself as the party of the people — the party that welcomes and loves all.

As if the audience’s laughter at Plimpton’s story doesn’t showcase a mental illness — a disorder that regards a creation of God as an annoyance and disruption that can nonetheless be overcome with a simple medical procedure.

“Notice I said ’first,’ ” she bragged. “And I don’t want Seattle — I don’t want you guys — to feel insecure. It was my best one.”

Laughter, laughter, laughter.

“Heads and tails above the rest,” Plimpton said. “If I could Yelp review it, I totally would. And if that doctor’s here tonight, I don’t remember you at all. I was 19. I was 19, but I thank you nonetheless.”

You know, abortion has been turned into a woman’s legal right in this country — a right, just like buying a firearm, only with less restrictions, or driving a vehicle, only with fewer mandates and exceptions. But when did it become such a bragging right?

When did ending the life of an innocent human being become something to cheer, not see with sadness?

God forbid a nation that loses its moral compass to such extent that it’s not enough to just end the life of innocence — but then we have to brag about it, too.

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