- The Washington Times - Wednesday, September 27, 2017

No doubt sexism played a role in handing Donald Trump the White House this past November — at least, that’s the word according to Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg — Hillary Clinton’s new bestie.

Charlie Rose, PBS and CBS host, asked Ginsburg in a recently aired interview if sexism had impacted the elections in 2016. Her reply couldn’t have been clearer.

“I have no doubt that it did,” she said, Politico reported.

Sigh. This is such a tired argument — the blaming by women for their losses on sexism. Clinton just wrote a book about it, for crying out loud. And it’s not just gender cards that are being too-frequently tossed. Blacks far too often blame their troubles with police on skin color. Illegals far too often blame their amnesty opposition on racism. NFL players blame minorities’ distresses on the nation.

How about a little bit of self-reflection and personal accountability here?

That’s not to say racism doesn’t exist, or sexism is a thing of the past. But it is to say — hey, sometimes it’s not racism, sometimes it’s not sexism, sometimes it’s not external influences that are at fault.

Sometimes, just sometimes, it’s you.

Voters were never enamored with Clinton as a candidate. Clinton, living a life of delusion, can’t accept that. But why be an enabler? Ginsburg, a woman whose very job description sets her as an esteemed member of the Sexism Overcome Club, ought not toss about such labels and accusations so lightly — especially when making excuses for Clinton, a woman whose own public service past, from secretary of state to presidential primary winner, makes her part of that very same club.

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