- The Washington Times - Monday, September 25, 2017

Anthony Weiner’s star hasn’t just fallen. It’s sunk.

The former New York congressman was just sentenced to 21 months in jail for sexting a 15-year-old girl.

And all the Hillary Clinton fans go — poor Huma.

Huma Abedin, of course, was Clinton’s right-hand lady, the one who had the misfortune of marrying Weiner. And now she has the dubious honor of being the one who married the sexting congressman.

Weiner reportedly cried during the sentencing.

As the Chicago Tribune noted: “Weiner, 53, dropped his head into his hand and wept as the sentence was announced by Judge Denise Cote. After the hearing ended and Cote left the bench, he sat in his seat for several minutes, continuing to cry. He said nothing as he left the courthouse and must surrender to prison officials by Nov. 6.”

One could almost feel sorry for the guy — almost, but not quite.

Weiner, after all, used to serve as the Democratic Party’ proud and loud bombastic, arrogant pitbull.

He got caught up in sexting scandals — more than one. And after losing his office, then losing another political race in New York, here he is.

Crying in a courtroom, on his way to jail.

Sometimes, just sometimes, justice is served.


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