- The Washington Times - Saturday, September 23, 2017

Politeness is so overrated.

President Donald Trump’s naysayers have come out in full force in recent days to blast his tough-talk speech to the United Nations as bombastic, and his Twitter firings at North Korea’s Kim Jong Un as dangerous.

But the truth is: Keeping the world powers on their collective toes is good for America. It makes those with less-than-honorable power-grabbing aims think twice and wonder, will this White House actually bomb us?

That’s a real strength-through-peace philosophy. After all, if America’s enemies think Trump is just crazy enough to carry through on his threats, well then, those are some enemies who are forced to rethink their own acts of aggression.

Nobody ever really worried when Barack Obama threatened anybody. Nobody really ran scared when Obama talked up the military as if he planned to use them in Syria. And even when Obama did act — even when he did use the military for something more than a social-engineering experiment for the transgender cause — he did it by telecasting his intents to the world, under the watchful nanny nods of his UN globalists-in-arms, politely giving our enemies plenty of time to prepare.

Trump, on the other hand, is wildly impolite to America’s enemies. He threatens them all the time.Moreover, so do his top-ranking administration folk. And that doesn’t just anger the left. It leaves the world powers in a total state of confusion.

Deliciously so.

“Kim Jong Un of North Korea, who is obviously a madman who doesn’t mind starving or killing his people, will be tested like never before!” Trump tweeted, a couple of days after he delivered the UN speech that fired up his naysayers.

One can only imagine Kim huddling frantically with his top military brass, trying to discern what exactly Trump means when he says “tested.” How discourteous of Trump to fail to define. But then again, what a scenario of weakness for the regime. Yes? Quite yes.

Leftists, take a memo. Mocking Kim is not a gasp-worthy moment. It’s not an act that will rouse Kim to destroy America. He already wants to do that.

Let’s remember: Trump’s speech at the United Nations, which included references to Kim as a “rocket man” as well as threats to “totally destroy North Korea,” came on the heels of growing aggressions from the regime — not out of the blue, not without cause, as the left would like it painted.

Kim responded to Trump’s UN  speech by calling Trump a “frightened dog” and a “mentally deranged U.S. dotard.” Didn’t hear the left calling out Kim for his non-diplomatic talk, though, did we? Nope.

Well, two can play that game.

This White House doesn’t worry about the so-called improprieties of tough talk.

Trump hit back once again at Kim’s insults in kind, slamming the despot as a “madman” and then imposing new economic sanctions that put governments and companies that do business with North Korea in a rock and a hard place.

The gist: Pick — do you want to do business with the America the Giant or with the North Korea the Midget?

Obviously, this White House means business. There is a walk that follows the talk.

For Kim and his minions, coming off eight White House years of diplomacy at all costs, this must be a baffling time. But for America? The left may howl about the vulgarities of this president’s rhetoric. But let ’em.

Polite talk has its place in foreign policy. But so does bluntness and boldness, backed by actual action. And in the end, anybody who thinks Kim’s going to be calmed and soothed by sweet talk and soft statements is simply living the life of a dreamer, trying to impose a dangerous foreign policy that showcases America as weak.

Thank goodness this White House isn’t playing that game.

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