- The Washington Times - Friday, September 22, 2017

Jimmy Kimmel, the Hollywood comedian who turned into a pro-Obamacare mouthpiece a few months ago by speaking emotionally of his son’s medical condition, is at it again — this time, snarking it up on the televised stage how stupid Republicans are, how stupid the Obamacare repeal effort is and how very, very “phony” is the “little creep” from Fox News, Brian Kilmeade.

Kimmel, just to remind, lives in the West Coast Bubble, the same one shared by similar rich elitists who think, for example, Cuba and Venezuela are solid examples of all America could and should be.

This opinion — yet none live there.

Anyhow, back to Kimmel’s latest.

He’s risen from his comedy roots to enter politics once again, attacking Sen. Bill Cassidy over the new Obamacare replacement plan introduced by a handful of Republicans, and saying, among other things, the proposal “will kick about 30 million Americans off insurance.” He also accused Cassidy “for promising to my face that he would oppose any health care plan that allowed insurance companies to turn people with pre-existing conditions away,” or plans with annual or lifetime caps, and then doing “a total about-face,” Kimmel said.

“Which means,” the talk show host went on, “that [Cassidy] either doesn’t understand his own bill or he lied to me. It’s as simple as that.”

Well, apparently it’s not. Cassidy had a different take.

Cassidy returned fire and said that “more people will have coverage” with the new plan than with the existing Obamacare program. He also said in a later interview on CNN that Kimmel “does not understand” the legislation.

Analysts are currently bickering to determine which line of argument is factually correct. But the circus show must go on.

Kimmel then took potshots at Fox’s Kilmeade, one of the “Fox & Friends” morning show hosts. Why? Because Kilmeade dared refer to Kimmel as one of the “Hollywood elites” who like to push “their polices on the rest of the country.”

So what’s non-factual about that?

Kimmel, however, still took umbrage.

“Oh, he’s such a fan,” Kimmel mocked, Entertainment reported. “I think he’s been to the show, he follows me on Twitter, he asked me to write a blurb for his book — which I did — he calls my agent looking for projects. He’s dying to be a member of the ’Hollywood elite.’ The only reason he’s not a member of the ’Hollywood elite’ is that no one will hire him to be one.”

Kimmel goes on a bit, but the big takeaway to note: He didn’t deny his own membership in “Hollywood Elite” Land.

He did however say that only during his son’s open-heart surgery ordeal did he learn that, hey now, not all kids in America have the same medical plan as his family’s — and it was that realization that forced him to campaign for Obamacare.

Because nothing says caring like demanding the government pay.

“I’ve learned that there are kids with no insurance,” he said. “I don’t get anything out of this, Brian, you phony little creep. Oh, I’ll pound you when I see you. That is my blurb. That would be my blurb for your next book: ’Brian Kilmeade is a phony little creep.’ “

Kilmeade weighed in, of course, telling his own audience that he always thought Kimmel was a talented host — that he “definitely like[d] him, don’t know him personally, but I liked his show before it was popular.” And then he refuted Kimmel’s claims.

“For him to go out and attack me personally and try to get into my personality and [say I] want to be a Hollywood celebrity — I never,” Kilmeade said, Entertainment reported. “Why would I ever leave the No. 1 network in all of cable, not only news, and the No. 1 morning show in the country through all these consequential events to go out to Los Angeles and do entertainment? I mean, what point is that? ’No one’ll hire him?’ That’s not even based in fact.”

But that’s Obamacare for you — it brings out the worst from the left.

The quip that could forever clamp Kimmel’s emotionally charged arguments for Obamacare, however, is this, from Erick Erickson, founder and editor of The Resurgent, who wrote in piece for Fox headlined this way: “Erick Erickson: Jimmy Kimmel, my wife has cancer, I have a pulmonary embolism. But I still oppose Obamacare.”


Kimmel wants to cite his own family’s medical emergencies as some sort of down-with-the-people experience that opened his eyes wide to the realities of America’s supposed pre-Obamacare disaster of a health care system. Well, note to Kimmel: There are plenty more Ericksons out there who face heart-wrenching medical situations but who nonetheless want a capitalistic system driven by the private sector, rather than the government, to control health care. Seriously, the more Kimmel speaks on Obamacare, the more he shows his elitism. After all, only the very rich, very poor or very left-of-left would argue the feds, not families and free market, know best when it comes to health care. Kimmel may not like to admit it, but he is indeed an elitist living in a Hollywood bubble that’s filled with similarly elitist minds. Sorry, Jimmy. You just don’t speak for the average American.

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