- The Washington Times - Friday, September 22, 2017

Attorney General Jeff Sessions called for crackdowns on illegals — on Dreamer illegals in particular — who exploit America’s kind heart for wicked reasons.

And all the amnesty lovers go “gasp.” But why? Truly, all Sessions said was common sense.

“We are now working with the Department of Homeland Security and [Department of Health and Human Services] to examine the unaccompanied minors issue and the exploitation of that program by gang members who come to this country as wolves in sheep clothing,” he said, to a crowd of law enforcement officials gathered in Boston, The Hill reported.

To hear the left tell it, so-called Dreamers — a term that’s used to sugarcoat what are really illegals — are all sweet innocents, carried to the border by desperate parents and gently pushed across for better educational and fiscal opportunities.

The truth is far darker — far more harmful to America and America’s citizens.

Some in the bunch are criminals. Some are gang members. Some are drug dealers. And some, as President Donald Trump said on the campaign trail in 2015 — to much leftist outrage, of course — are “people that have lots of problems … they’re rapists.”

Fast-forward to today and Trump’s been proven correct. Take MS-13, for example. Sessions remarked how this vicious Central America gang is recruiting to bring members to key U.S. cities.

“This [Unaccompanied Alien Children] program continues to place juveniles from Central America into this gang-controlled territory,” he said. “It is clearly being abused. … MS-13 represents some of the worst of the worst when it comes to criminal street gangs.”

Of course, Sessions’ speech was interrupted with the usual protesting crowd decrying the so-called racism of those who simply want to control America’s borders.

But come on now, it’s simply common sense: Not all who cross America’s borders have good intentions in mind. Some are criminals — and yes, tough as it may be for the left to stomach, even younger illegals can commit the most egregious of crimes.

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