- Thursday, September 21, 2017

John Adams is running for Virginia attorney general to set a new tone in the office of the commonwealth’s top lawyer because Virginians simply can’t afford four more years of Mark Herring’s political gamesmanship.

Most Virginians prefer their attorney general not be just another hyperpartisan politician. They’re not looking for the office to score cheap political points or to stack the deck for the home team. No, thanks; objectively enforcing the law will do.

Mark Herring may be a fine guy. But it’s also no secret that he’s imposed his political will while in an office that should be nonpartisan, and that he frequently did so at the expense of the law and to the dismay of most honest practitioners.

I’m grateful that John Adams is standing up to challenge that philosophy of the job and to restore the legitimacy and respect the office ought to carry. Virginians need an attorney general who will apply the law honestly and even-handedly on every issue for every person. That is the way we preserve our liberty and honor our democratic process.

Maybe you agree with John Adams’ opinions on policy, or maybe you don’t. The point is, it really doesn’t matter because when he’s Virginia’s lawyer, he’ll simply affirm, assert, apply and defend the law, not inject his political views into every issue that comes before him. That’s the kind of attorney general I want and the kind Virginians deserve.


Newport News, Va.

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