- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 21, 2017

Obama’s back, and he’s here to hit at Republicans who want to repeal-reform-replace his signature Obamacare mess.

It’s curious, isn’t it — even when he’s not in office, or seeking office, the ol’ campaigner-in-chief, Barack Obama, can’t stop the campaigning.

During a speech to the Gates Foundation, Obama called the attempts to repeal Obamacare “aggravating.”

And then he brought up the tired-but-true anti-Republican label — that those in the GOP who don’t stand in line with Democratic Party notions are basically people haters.

“When I see people trying to undo that hard-won progress for the 50th or 60th time with bills that would raise costs or reduce coverage or roll back protections for older Americans or people with pre-existing conditions, the cancer survivor or the expecting mom or child with autism or asthma, for whom coverage would once again be untenable, it is aggravating,” Obama said, Breitbart noted.

And then, his main point — which went way past the silly Get Old People line.

“And all of this is being done without any demonstrable economic or actuarial or plain common sense rationale,” Obama said. “It frustrates — and it is certainly frustrating to have to mobilize every couple months to keep our leaders from inflicting real human suffering on our constituents.”

Well, maybe if Obamacare weren’t such a travesty, then the powers-who-be on the left wouldn’t have to “mobilize” every few weeks or so to keep it intact. But apparently, Obamacare, in the minds of the American people, is far from accepted — far from settled science, to put it in the terminology of the left.

And so the fight against its socialist underpinnings goes on.

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