- The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 19, 2017

A new controversy has erupted in the left’s ever-expanding war on racism, and this one is so ridiculous that even the left ought to be shaking heads in shame.

Basically, a woman’s claimed a Hobby Lobby art display of raw cotton — comprised of a few sticks of the fiber stalks shoved into some glass jars, with the fluffy white spilling from brown branches — is racist.

Here’s her offended message, posted on Facebook page beneath a photo of the offensive art project: “This decor is WRONG on SO many levels. There is nothing decorative about raw cotton … A commodity which was gained at the expense of African-American slaves. A little sensitivity goes a long way. PLEASE REMOVED THIS ’decor.’ “

Shocking as that view is, what’s perhaps more shocking is this woman actually posted her name — Daniell Rider.

Who in their right mind would want to own an opinion like that?

But own she does — and her post has been spread and respread among the social media crowd, to the point of going viral. Stupidity is interesting, it seems.

The long-term consequences of carrying out her logic to its full implementation could be economically catastrophic. After all, banning decorative displays of cotton plants is only a hop and skip from banning cotton.

If raw cotton plants remind of racist times, and therefore must be removed from society, so, too, cotton balls, cotton T-shirts, cotton sheets, cotton dresses. Don’t even get started on the cotton-blends. Retailers and manufacturers are no doubt on edge right now, watching their stock market tickers with anxiety and hoping against all hope protesters don’t start taking to the streets, burning cotton plants while screaming the likes of “down with cotton,” and “buy polyester, the cloth of tolerance and diversity.”

Did you know wool comes from sheep?

Wonder if slaves had to herd sheep at some point … better check the history books. Social media’s waiting; the war on racism must go on. And you thought cotton was just cotton. Silly rabbit.

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