- The Washington Times - Friday, September 15, 2017

President Trump on Friday called the London subway bombing “a terrible thing” and repeated his call a tougher travel ban to keep terrorists out of the U.S.

“It keeps going and going, and we have to be very smart and we have to be very, very tough — perhaps we’re not nearly tough enough,” Mr. Trump said in the Rose Garden. “We have to be smarter.”

An improvised explosive devise went off on a London Underground train during the morning rush hour, injuring 23 people in what police called a terror attack. A major manhunt for the bomber was underway.

Earlier, Mr. Trump first responded to the attack in a tweet.

“The travel ban into the United States should be far larger, tougher and more specific-but stupidly, that would not be politically correct!” he wrote.

The travel ban targeting a handful of Muslim-majority countries has been contentious since the president first proposed it in January. After being blocked by courts, the president revised the ban but it continues to face fierce opposition and legal challenges over concerns it constitutes religious discrimination.

Mr. Trump was in the Rose Garden for a much lighter occasion. He was reviewing with work of 11-year-old Frank Giaccio, who was mowing the lawn.

The enterprising boy from nearby Falls Church, Virginia, wrote to the president offering his lawn services at the White House. The president accepted his offer and Frank went to work Friday under the supervision of the White House grounds crew.

“Great job,” Mr. Trump told Frank, who was wearing a red shirt.

Patting Frank on the back, Mr. Trump called him the “future of our country” and said he would bring him into the Oval Office.

“Maybe he’ll be president,” Mr. Trump said.

The president said Frank aspired to become a Navy Seal.

• S.A. Miller can be reached at smiller@washingtontimes.com.

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