- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 14, 2017

Talk about hitting the nail on the head.

Sheriff David Clarke, speaking Thursday on “Fox & Friends,” told his three hosts that Berkeley campus protesters already gearing to sideline conservative speaker Ben Shapiro need their butts kicked.

Only he put it blunter.

“At some point, these goons, when they bring the violence — I want to be clear about that. Once they bring the violence, they need their ass kicked,” he said, as Mediaite noted.

He made the remarks in response to Brian Kilmeade’s mention of the failure of police to physically control the mayhem and madness that comes at some of these leftist-organized gatherings.

He also made the remarks as The Washington Post blasted forth this headline: “Berkeley prepares for Ben Shapiro’s speech with pepper spray, concrete barriers and lots of police.”

Nice. It’s the First Amendment, leftist style. Shapiro’s hours away from his appearance and the hungry wolves of the anarchist left are already drooling.

And as Clarke noted: If antifa thugs think they can get by with the violence, they will ratchet up their violence.

If police stand idly by and watch as protesters burn buildings, smash store-front glass, bust police cars and agitate and attack those who support President Donald Trump — as they seemed to at the Berkeley riots over planned speaker Milo Yiannopoulos — then what’s the motivation for the thugs to stop?

There is none.

Clarke’s right. Mobs, after all, don’t listen to reason. Badly behaving thugs don’t pay attention to rational arguments. 

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