- The Washington Times - Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Speaker Paul Ryan reportedly said during a private dinner earlier this year that nobody but nobody in Congress wanted a border wall — well, nobody except “one member,” Breitbart reported, citing a one-on-one with the former congressman, Tom Tancredo.

And with that, the establishment raises its head once more, clamping down as quickly as it can on yet another campaign vow from President Donald Trump.

Could this Republican leadership get any more Democratic in nature?

“Ryan told a group of Republicans he met with … that only one person wants a wall,” Tancredo said in his exclusive with Breitbart. “You have to understand the level of fear that exists in the Republican establishment about this issue.”

Quite right.

Big Business lurks in the background. And it’s not afraid to take on politicians who threaten the Bottom Line.

Just a couple weeks ago, Neil Bradley, senior vice president and chief policy officer for the Chamber of Commerce, said in a “Newsmakers” interview on C-SPAN that Trump’s tread toward a government shutdown was a recipe for disaster.

“My experience has been whoever tries to hold government funding hostage to get something — it’s usually not a strategy that has historically worked out very well,” he said, Bloomberg Politics reported. “So it seems to me there are probably better ways for the president to get his priority of a border wall done than threatening a government shutdown.”

How, exactly? By working with Democrats, the pro-amnesty peeps?

Republicans, through action — or more to truth, inaction — and most recently, through Ryan, have shown an utter reluctance to get the process going.

It’s not only their business backers they fear. It’s public relations and media coverage.

There’s been a growing trend from the left to set fires, break glass and toss rocks at police and citizens alike whenever a conservative idea seems to gather steam on Capitol Hill. It’s not just the Chamber that lurks; it’s antifa and its thuggish cohorts. Combine that with a media heck-bent on taking down this White House, and the final result, in the minds of campaigning Republicans, is this: Bad press leading to reelection loss.

The sad reality is that if these reluctant Republicans could actually stand tall for a principle that voters actually applauded — like the wall, like the repeal of Obamacare, to name a couple — then their own seats would be safe. Voters would respond as they did with Trump — with record turnout at rallies and with strong voices at the poll booths. It’s the RINO whom conservatives are sick of; it’s the establishment they seek to unseat. Note to Republicans worried about the optics of a border wall: Want to win the hearts and voters of constituents? Take a stand, buck the party-first system and get behind an idea that actually resonates with the people, not just the special interests.

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