- The Washington Times - Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Let us recall “shadow government” and “Deep State” — two terms that riveted political observers and journalists earlier this year. Remember? Both terms — along with variants such as “shadow White House” and “shadow presidency” — were bandied about in the media with relish. Dramatic coverage suggested that former members of the Obama administration or entrenched federal employees were still in place, ready to wield power from within the bureaucracy. A potential hazard to the Trump administration lurked, amplified by “fake” news, skewed polls and negative press narratives.

Even before President Trump took the presidential oath on Jan. 20, veteran political commentator Bill Moyers suggested newly defeated Hillary Clinton give her own inaugural address, advising Democrats to “prepare by joining together as a movement and creating the constituency of what will be, in effect, a shadow government.” On Inauguration Day itself, GQ magazine advised,”Barack Obama is preparing for his third term.”

Some continue to fret about a shadow presence. Still attuned to the Deep State and the existence of a shadow government, Judicial Watch recently issued a 64-page report on the phenomenon, which includes Freedom of Information Act requests, case studies and other research.

“We face a crisis of the Deep State — ’Alt-government,’ I sometimes call it. The actions of the Deep State constitute a direct challenge to our republican form of government. Working primarily through the intelligence and law-enforcement agencies, the Deep State is actively engaged in subversive measures designed to delegitimize Donald Trump,” Tom Fitton, president of the watchdog group, noted in a statement.

“This shadow government is not monolithic. But, it does not have to be. Its operatives share a common mindset and worldview. They travel in the same social circles. And, they walk the same corridors of power,” the study said.

Judicial Watch has also organized an “educational panel” to revisit the Deep State which includes Sebastian Gorka, former White House deputy assistant to the Mr. Trump and author of “Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War”; Diana West, a columnist and author of “American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character,” plus James Peterson, senior attorney for Judicial Watch and Chris Farrell, director of investigations and research. Mr. Fitton serves as moderator.

Curious? The event takes place Friday at 2 p.m. EDT and will be livestreamed at Judicialwatch.org/live.


Politics is a form of asymmetrical warfare, and many of President Trump’s fans say he’s the best man to navigate it, what with his background as businessman, tycoon and reality TV star. But should he make nice with the Democrats?

“Most voters think it’s a great idea,” says a new Rasmussen Reports survey, which reveals that 66 percent of likely U.S. voters agree that it is “good for the country” if Mr. Trump works with congressional Democrats to advance his agenda.

That number includes a surprising 72 percent of Republicans, 63 percent of independents and 62 percent of Democrats.

“Just 13 percent think the bipartisan cooperation is bad for the country, while 21 percent are undecided. Only 19 percent believe the president should continue to rely on congressional Republicans to pass his agenda,” the poll reports.

HALEY 2024

“Nikki Haley for the first woman president,” writes PJ Media co-founder Roger L. Simon. “Mrs. Haley who, as our U.N. ambassador, has looked and acted more like a future president than anyone I can think of in current politics. Anyone who can wrangle those clowns in the Security Council can do just about anything.”


Anthony Scaramucci has resurfaced on public radar. Without much warning Wednesday, the former White House communications director announced via Twitter that he was launching the “Scaramucci Post” — a new online news entity. Mr. Scaramucci simply advised the curious to “get ready,” and revealed a slick blue and white logo for the namesake enterprise.

The Scaramucci Post itself also went live on Twitter and immediately attracted well over 7,000 followers within hours, plus commentary from Newsweek, Boston Globe, Huffington Post, Newsmax, The Hill, Fortune, Daily Mail and The Cut.com — which asked, “Oh God, is Anthony Scaramucci starting a new media company?”

The newly minted media mogul gleefully retweeted everything. He also announced yet another project, this delving into the world of celebrity gossip. Mr. Scaramucci — who lasted 11 days in his role at the White House — will co-host “TMZ Live” with regular presence Harvey Levin on Monday.

“It’s going to be awesome,” Mr. Levin noted in a statement.


Yes, it was a feel good moment for Democrats. Or something. Sen. Bernie Sanders introduced his “Medicare for all” health care bill on Wednesday, brimming with enthusiasm.

“Sanders’ plan, though dead-on-arrival in a Republican-controlled Congress, will offer a blueprint for fundamentally reshaping the American health care system by moving the country to a government-run, single-payer program,” explain CNN political reporters Gregory Krieg and Tami Luhby in their analysis.

Enter, stage right, the Republicans.

“Bernie Sanders’ single-payer proposal isn’t realistic and with a $32 trillion dollar price-tag, it certainly isn’t affordable. In fact, even Nancy Pelosi refuses to endorse the legislation and my Democratic National Committee counterpart, Tom Perez, said the only way to pay for it is by imposing a massive tax increase on every American. The Democrats’ latest attempt at a government takeover of our health care system will cost too much, reduce the quality of care, and be a logistical nightmare for all,” says Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel.


• 60 percent of U.S. voters would like President Trump to work with both Congressional Republicans and Democrats on policy issues; 57 percent of Republicans, 68 percent of independents and 57 percent of Democrats agree.

• 15 percent overall would like Mr. Trump to work primarily with Republicans; 31 percent of Republicans, 7 percent of independents and 6 percent of Democrats agree.

• 13 percent overall would like Mr. Trump to work primarily with Democrats; 8 percent of Republicans, 8 percent of independents and 23 percent of Democrats agree.

• 12 percent overall are unsure about the choice; 4 percent of Republicans, 17 percent of independents and 15 percent of Democrats agree.

Source: A Morning Consult/Politico poll of 1,976 registered U.S. voters conducted Sept. 7-11.

• Excitable chatter, plain facts to jharper@washingtontimes.com

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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