- The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The latest conspiracy theory from InfoWars host Alex Jones involves President Trump being slowly drugged with small doses of sedatives, and a former Trump campaign adviser claims the perpetrator could be the White House chief of staff.

“I’ve talked to people, multiple ones, and they believe that they are putting a slow sedative that they’re building up, that’s also addictive, in his Diet Cokes and in his iced tea, and that the president by 6 or 7 at night is basically slurring his words and is drugged,” Mr. Jones said near the start of his internet and radio broadcast Monday.

“I’ve talked to people that talk to the president now at 9 at night, he is slurring his words. And I’m going to leave it at that,” he added, citing unnamed “high-level sources.”

The topic was revived later in the broadcast, however, when Mr. Jones was joined by longtime political consultant Roger Stone, a former Trump adviser to Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign and a frequent InfoWars guest and collaborator.

“Let’s be very clear: I have a source at The New York Times, a reporter who expressed to me a concern that in a conversation they had on the phone with the president that he was slurring his words. The president does not drink. The president certainly does not do drugs. The president is sharp as a tack,” Mr. Stone said.

“Now, in the president’s defense, could he be exhausted? Yeah, he works very hard for the country,” Mr. Stone continued. “But I have now heard not from one, but two different sources, that he seemed disoriented and was slurring his speech in conversations. To me this is a tip off that he may be being medicated.”

John Kelly, the recently appointed White House chief of staff tasked with keeping the Trump administration in line, could be the culprit, Mr. Stone speculated.

“Is Gen. Kelly above this?” Mr. Stone asked. “No.”

Mr. Jones interviewed Mr. Trump during an InfoWars broadcast in 2015 and frequently touts his presidency on the program, the likes of which is heard by about 45 million people each week, by his own account. He claims to be in regular contact with the president and his associates and recently attributed himself to Mr. Trump’s decision to pardon controversial former lawman Joe Arpaio, but more widely known for propagating a slew of unfounded conspiracy concerning topics ranging from the Sandy Hook school shooting in 2012 to Hillary Clinton, Mr. Trump’s opponent during last year’s White House race.

Mr. Stone, a former Nixon aide who testified before the Watergate grand jury, joined Mr. Trump’s campaign at its start and left in August 2015, more than a year before Mrs. Clinton’s defeat. He made headlines in March for admittedly engaging with a Twitter user, Guccifer 2.0, that the U.S. government has directly linked to interfering in last year’s election on behalf of Russian intelligence, and again last week for being booted from major marijuana conventions in Los Angeles and Boston.

• Andrew Blake can be reached at ablake@washingtontimes.com.

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