- The Washington Times - Monday, September 11, 2017

President Trump observed the solemn anniversary Monday of the 9/11 terror attacks at a ceremony at the Pentagon, paying tribute to the nearly 3,000 Americans killed that day and pledging unshaken resolve in the ongoing fight against radical Islamic terrorism.

“On that day not only did the world change but we all changed,” Mr. Trump said. “Our eyes were opened to the depth of the evil we face, but at that moment we also came together.”

He promised the families of 184 people killed when a hijacked airliner hit the west side of the Pentagon 16 years ago that their loved ones would never be forgotten.

“We mourn them, we honor them and we pledge not to ever ever forget them,” he said.

Earlier, Mr. Trump and first lady Melania Trump laid a wreath at the 9/11 memorial at the Pentagon.

In his remarks, the president vowed that the U.S. would never relent in its fight against the radical Islamic ideology behind the attacks, recognizing that America is still at war in Afghanistan and fighting terrorist around the globe.

“We are making plain to these savage killers that there is no dark corner beyond our reach, no sanctuary beyond our grasp and nowhere to hide anywhere on this very large earth,” Mr. Trump said.

He also honored the more than 7,000 U.S. troops that have given their lives in the war against radical Islamic terrorism.

“Our values will endure, our people will thrive, our nation will prevail and the memory of our loved ones will never every die,” the president said.

Mr. Trump also asked for Americans to keep those suffering from Hurricane Irma and those recovering from Hurricane Harvey.

He said the full resources of the federal government were being marshaled to respond to the devastating storms and to begin a long recovery process.

“When Americans are in need, Americans pull together. And we are one country and when we face hardship, we emerge closer, stronger and more determined than ever,” Mr. Trump said.

Mr. Trump and the first lady began the day by observing a moment of silence on the South Lawn of the White House.

Several events Monday marked the 16th anniversary of the attacks.

At Ground Zero in New York City, a ceremony marked the date by reading the names of the more than 2,700 people killed at the World Trade Center.

Vice President Mike Pence attended a ceremony at the Flight 93 National Memorial in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where an airline crashed after passengers attempted to retake the plane from hijackers.

Thirty-three passengers, seven crew members and four hijackers died when the plane, en route to Washington, crashed into a field in Shanksville.

• S.A. Miller can be reached at smiller@washingtontimes.com.

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